-- Copyright 2018-2019 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) -- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 local fs = require("nixio.fs") local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor() local net = require "luci.model.network".init() local util = require("luci.util") local dump = util.ubus("network.interface", "dump", {}) m = Map("banip", translate("banIP"), translate("Configuration of the banIP package to block ip adresses/subnets via IPSet. ") ..translatef("For further information " .. "" .. "check the online documentation", "https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/banip/files/README.md")) -- Main banIP Options s = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "banip") o1 = s:option(Flag, "ban_enabled", translate("Enable banIP")) o1.default = o1.disabled o1.rmempty = false o2 = s:option(Flag, "ban_automatic", translate("Automatic WAN Interface Detection")) o2.default = o2.enabled o2.rmempty = false o3 = s:option(MultiValue, "ban_iface", translate("Interface Selection"), translate("Disable the automatic WAN detection and select your preferred interface(s) manually.")) if dump then local i, v for i, v in ipairs(dump.interface) do if v.interface ~= "loopback" and v.interface ~= "lan" then local device = v.l3_device or v.device or "-" o3:value(v.interface, v.interface.. " (" ..device.. ")") end end end o3.widget = "checkbox" o3.rmempty = false o4 = s:option(ListValue, "ban_fetchutil", translate("Download Utility"), translate("List of supported and fully pre-configured download utilities.")) o4:value("uclient-fetch") o4:value("wget") o4:value("curl") o4:value("aria2c") o4:value("wget-nossl", "wget-nossl (noSSL)") o4:value("busybox", "wget-busybox (noSSL)") o4.default = "uclient-fetch" o4.rmempty = false -- Runtime Information ds = s:option(DummyValue, "_dummy") ds.template = "banip/runtime" -- Source Table bl = m:section(TypedSection, "source", translate("IP Blocklist Sources")) bl.template = "banip/sourcelist" ssl = bl:option(DummyValue, "ban_src", translate("SSL req.")) function ssl.cfgvalue(self, section) local source = self.map:get(section, "ban_src") or self.map:get(section, "ban_src_6") if source then if source:match("https://") then return translate("Yes") else return translate("No") end end return translate("n/a") end name_4 = bl:option(Flag, "ban_src_on", translate("enable IPv4")) name_4.rmempty = false name_6 = bl:option(Flag, "ban_src_on_6", translate("enable IPv6")) name_6.rmempty = false type = bl:option(ListValue, "ban_src_ruletype", translate("SRC/DST")) type:value("src") type:value("dst") type:value("src+dst") type.default = "src" type.rmempty = false des = bl:option(DummyValue, "ban_src_desc", translate("Description")) cat = bl:option(DynamicList, "ban_src_cat", translate("ASN/Country")) cat.datatype = "uciname" cat.optional = true -- Extra options e = m:section(NamedSection, "extra", "banip", translate("Extra Options"), translate("Options for further tweaking in case the defaults are not suitable for you.")) e1 = e:option(Flag, "ban_debug", translate("Verbose Debug Logging"), translate("Enable verbose debug logging in case of any processing error.")) e1.rmempty = false e2 = e:option(Flag, "ban_nice", translate("Low Priority Service"), translate("Set the nice level to 'low priority' and banIP background processing will take less resources from the system. ") ..translate("This change requires a manual service stop/re-start to take effect.")) e2.disabled = "0" e2.enabled = "10" e2.rmempty = false e3 = e:option(Flag, "ban_backup", translate("Enable Blocklist Backup"), translate("Create compressed blocklist backups, they will be used in case of download errors or during startup in 'backup mode'.")) e3.rmempty = false e4 = e:option(Value, "ban_backupdir", translate("Backup Directory"), translate("Target directory for banIP backups. Please use preferably a non-volatile disk, e.g. an external usb stick.")) e4:depends("ban_backup", 1) e4.datatype = "directory" e4.default = "/mnt" e4.rmempty = true e5 = e:option(Flag, "ban_backupboot", translate("Backup Mode"), translate("Do not automatically update blocklists during startup, use their backups instead.")) e5:depends("ban_backup", 1) e5.rmempty = true e6 = e:option(Value, "ban_maxqueue", translate("Max. Download Queue"), translate("Size of the download queue to handle downloads & IPset processing in parallel (default '4'). ") .. translate("For further performance improvements you can raise this value, e.g. '8' or '16' should be safe.")) e6.default = 4 e6.datatype = "range(1,32)" e6.rmempty = false -- Optional Extra Options e20 = e:option(Value, "ban_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger Delay"), translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before banIP processing begins.")) e20.default = 2 e20.datatype = "range(1,60)" e20.optional = true e21 = e:option(Value, "ban_fetchparm", translate("Download Options"), translate("Special options for the selected download utility, e.g. '--timeout=20 --no-check-certificate -O'.")) e21.optional = true e22 = e:option(Value, "ban_wan_input_chain", translate("WAN Input Chain IPv4")) e22.default = "input_wan_rule" e22.datatype = "uciname" e22.optional = true e23 = e:option(Value, "ban_wan_forward_chain", translate("WAN Forward Chain IPv4")) e23.default = "forwarding_wan_rule" e23.datatype = "uciname" e23.optional = true e24 = e:option(Value, "ban_lan_input_chain", translate("LAN Input Chain IPv4")) e24.default = "input_lan_rule" e24.datatype = "uciname" e24.optional = true e25 = e:option(Value, "ban_lan_forward_chain", translate("LAN Forward Chain IPv4")) e25.default = "forwarding_lan_rule" e25.datatype = "uciname" e25.optional = true e26 = e:option(ListValue, "ban_target_src", translate("SRC Target IPv4")) e26:value("REJECT") e26:value("DROP") e26.default = "DROP" e26.optional = true e27 = e:option(ListValue, "ban_target_dst", translate("DST Target IPv4")) e27:value("REJECT") e27:value("DROP") e27.default = "REJECT" e27.optional = true e28 = e:option(Value, "ban_wan_input_chain_6", translate("WAN Input Chain IPv6")) e28.default = "input_wan_rule" e28.datatype = "uciname" e28.optional = true e29 = e:option(Value, "ban_wan_forward_chain_6", translate("WAN Forward Chain IPv6")) e29.default = "forwarding_wan_rule" e29.datatype = "uciname" e29.optional = true e30 = e:option(Value, "ban_lan_input_chain_6", translate("LAN Input Chain IPv6")) e30.default = "input_lan_rule" e30.datatype = "uciname" e30.optional = true e31 = e:option(Value, "ban_lan_forward_chain_6", translate("LAN Forward Chain IPv6")) e31.default = "forwarding_lan_rule" e31.datatype = "uciname" e31.optional = true e32 = e:option(ListValue, "ban_target_src_6", translate("SRC Target IPv6")) e32:value("REJECT") e32:value("DROP") e32.default = "DROP" e32.optional = true e33 = e:option(ListValue, "ban_target_dst_6", translate("DST Target IPv6")) e33:value("REJECT") e33:value("DROP") e33.default = "REJECT" e33.optional = true return m