Implementable right now (but not necessarily important), with caveats (unavailable components that will limit what can be implemented right away), in order in which they will likely be done: * TESTING * FS (DHT not available) * SETUP * DV (distributed testing not available) * TBENCH (distributed testing not available) * TRACEKIT (distributed testing not available) * HTTP transport * FRAGMENTATION * MySQL / Postgres plugins (datastore, datacache) * UPNP Urgent items (before announcing * FS (basic anonymous FS only) - implement FS service (P2P operations) + how to send queries (soliciting is not there in core; do we also want to do pushing sometimes?) + need to bound queueing of replies for other peers - implement testcases + sharing API ~ file-information * CORE: - soliciting traffic for clients that registered for it is not implemented (in the service, client API supports GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CORE_SOLICIT_TRAFFIC but never receives any such messages); how to avoid busy-waiting here is a good question (solicit => nothing, when to solicit again???) * TESTING (needed for DV, DHT, Topology) - implement library for local testing + modify configuration to allow controlling connections for non-local starts + CORE service does not start with valid peer ID (all zeros) -- testcase fails! + consider changing API for peer-group termination to call continuation when done - implement testcases for library + get test for basic peer start to work! + test basic peer connect + test group start * TEST: - topology (needs TESTING) - hostlist (maybe easier with TESTING?) * new webpage - prevent? - migrate Mantis!? - run peer => have a 0.9.x hostlist - improve basic documentation (configure, dependencies, what works, etc.) - write minimal welcome/introduction to 0.9.x-development/webpage/status => Deploy(able) development network 0.9.0pre0: * UTIL: - heap: "remove_node" can hardly be O(1) given the API, but it should be (!) - load: need way to determine network load (up/down) - trust: need *fast* way to check/update trust in peers (async peerinfo would not be right) * Module features to implement: - advanced FS API parts + namespaces: fundamental namespace API + search: SBlocks, KSBlocks, probes, notify FS-service of known results + collection + location URIs (publish, search, download) + persistence support (publish, unindex, search, download) + indexing: index-failure-cleanup + download: management/bounding of parallel downloads (for recursive dl.) + datastore reservation (publishing) + gnunet-publish (URI args) + gnunet-download (directory) + gnunet-search (options, incl. namespace search) + gnunet-download (many options) + gnunet-directory (man page, options) + gnunet-pseudonym (all of it) + gnunet-service-fs (remove failing on-demand blocks, many other nitpicks/features/optimizations) + datastore: do active migration support here? - implement adv. FS testcases + getopt API + insert: sblocks, loc uris + download: loc uris + search: sblocks, skblocks, loc uris + namespaces + collection - implement FS performance tests (needs TESTING) + insert + download + search + unindex - non-anonymous FS service (needs DHT) + basic DHT integration + CS-DHT-functions (DHT-put of LOC) + P2P-functions (DHT-get) - setup (RC-pre0) + default generation + need to settle basic design; do we want to keep guile? - testing (RC-pre0) + testbed creation with topology (needs working F2F topology) [Nate] + testbed with churn [Nate] + implement library for distributed testing [Nate] + implement testcases for distributed testing [Nate] + test basic peer re-configure [Nate] + test topology creation [Nate] + test churn generation [Nate] 0.9.0pre1: * Module features to implement: - tbench (RC-pre1) + good to have for DV evaluation! - DV (RC-pre1) + write DV API + implement DV service [Nate & CG] + implement DV library [Nate] + implement DV transport plugin [Nate & CG] + implement testcases [Nate] + implement performance tests [Nate] * GUIs to implement: - gtk (RC-pre1) + how to integrate scheduler with GTK event loop! 0.9.0pre2: * Module features to implement: - tracekit (RC-pre2) + good to have for DV/DHT evaluation! - DHT (RC-pre2) + implement DHT service (needs DV, DATACACHE) + implement DHT library + implement testcases + implement performance tests * GUIs to implement: - fuse (RC-pre2) * Plugins to implement: - UDP backend (RC-pre2) + Fragmentation library + actual plugin - HTTP backend (RC-pre2) 0.9.0pre3: * GUIs to implement: - qt (RC-pre3) + see discussions @ FISL about integration with event loop! * Determine RC bugs and fix those! 0.9.0: * Documentation - update man pages - update webpage documentation * new webpage: - expand bibliography - convert documentation pages to books - update books (especially for developers) - create good Drupal theme for GNUnet - make a NICE download page and figure out how to enable developers to publish TGZs nicely - port "contact" page; add impressum - add content type for "todo" items? - DNS activation * Plugins to implement: - MySQL database backends + datacache + datastore - Postgres database backends + datacache + datastore - vpn * Determine RC bugs and fix those! 0.9.x: * Plugins to implement: - SMTP transport backend - HTTPS transport backend + improved HTTPS support in MHD + actual plugin * Remove KBlocks in gnunet-unindex (see discussion with Kenneth Almquist on gnunet-devs in 9/2009) * Allow checking of presence of search results and/or content via command-line tools (add options to gnunet-search / gnunet-download to limit search to local peer) * STATISTICS: - should use BIO instead of mmap