========== KarmaWorld ========== :Description: A django application for sharing and uploading class notes. :Copyright: FinalsClub, a 501c3 non-profit organization :License: GPLv3 except where otherwise noted :Contact: info@karmanotes.org v3.0 of the karmanotes.org website from the FinalsClub Foundation Purpose ======= KarmaNotes is an online database of college lecture notes. KarmaNotes empowers college students to participate in the free exchange of knowledge. Docs ==== TODO: see `./docs/` TODO: Put docs on [RTFD](https://readthedocs.org/) Install ======= If you're starting to work on this project and you need it setup on your local machine, follow the steps below. 1. Make sure you have installed ``git``, the ``PostgreSQL`` server, client and development files, ``Python`` including the development files, ``Fabric``, ``pip``, ``virtualenv`` and ``virtualenvwrapper``. 2. Clone the project from the central repo:: git clone git@github.com:FinalsClub/karmaworld.git Note that you have to have your SSH keys setup on GitHub to use this URL. If you don't, you can use the HTTP URL: ``https://github.com/FinalsClub/karmaworld.git``. 3. Create a database and optionally a username and put them in the ``DATABASES`` setting in a ``local.py`` file that you'll place in ``karmaworld/settings/``. 4. Make sure that you're in the root of the project that you just cloned and run fab here first_deploy This will make a virtualenv, install the development dependencies and create the database tables. 5. Now you can run ``./manage.py runserver`` and visit the site in the browser. Thanks ====== * KarmaNotes.org is a project of the FinalsClub Foundation with generous funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation * Also thanks to [rdegges](https://github.com/rdegges/django-skel) for the django-skel template