# # Copyright (C) 2016 Piotr Dymacz # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # SHELL = bash HOSTARCH := $(shell uname -m | \ sed -e s/i.86/x86_32/ \ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ \ -e s/arm.*/arm/ \ -e s/sa110/arm/ \ -e s/powerpc/ppc/ \ -e s/macppc/ppc/) HOSTOS := $(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | \ sed -e 's/\(cygwin\).*/cygwin/') ifneq ($(HOSTOS), darwin) ifneq ($(HOSTOS), linux) $(error Error! Unsupported host operating system/arch: "$(HOSTOS)-$(HOSTARCH)") endif endif export HOSTOS export HOSTARCH export BUILD_TOPDIR = $(PWD) export STAGING_DIR = $(BUILD_TOPDIR)/tmp export SOURCE_DIR = $(BUILD_TOPDIR)/u-boot export BIN_DIR = $(BUILD_TOPDIR)/bin export SUB_MAKE_CMD = $(MAKE) --silent --no-print-directory \ ARCH=mips V=1 SHELL=$(SHELL) # ========================================================================== # You can override some default configuration options below or pass them on # command line, for example: # make ... IMG_SIZE=256 IMG_LZMA=0 CROSS_COMPILE=... # Set to 1 if you want to build RAM-loadable image, without low level # initialization of the hardware (PLL/clocks, DRAM): # IMG_RAM = # You can change limit of the image size in KB with below option (image will # be filled up to the selected size with 0xFF): # IMG_SIZE = # If you don't want LZMA compressed image, set below option to 1 (by default # images for all targets are LZMA compressed): # IMG_LZMA = # Define _absolute_ path to your toolchain directory, for example: # export TOOLCHAIN_DIR:=/home/user/toolchain-mips_24kc_gcc-5.4.0_musl-1.1.15 # export PATH:=$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin:$(PATH) ifndef CROSS_COMPILE CROSS_COMPILE = mips-openwrt-linux-musl- endif export CROSS_COMPILE # ========================================================================== # ======================= # CUSTOM HELPER FUNCTIONS # ======================= define echo_green echo -e "\e[92m$(1)\e[0m" endef define echo_red echo -e "\e[91m$(1)\e[0m" endef define echo_blue echo -e "\e[96m$(1)\e[0m" endef # $(1): size define img_size $(if $(IMG_SIZE),$(strip $(IMG_SIZE)),$(strip $(1))) endef # $(1): value define is_lzma $(if $(IMG_LZMA),\ $(if $(filter $(strip $(IMG_LZMA)),1),1,0),\ $(if $(filter $(strip $(1)),1),1,0)\ ) endef # $(1): file extension define img_name u-boot_mod__$(shell date +"%Y%m%d")__$@$(if \ $(filter $(IMG_RAM),1),__RAM-LOAD-ONLY)$(if $(1),.$(1)) endef define md5_sum $(call echo_green,Calculating MD5 sum for the final image...) md5sum $(BIN_DIR)/$(call img_name,bin) | \ awk '{print $$1}' | \ tr -d '\n' > $(BIN_DIR)/$(call img_name).md5 echo ' *'$(call img_name,bin) >> $(BIN_DIR)/$(call img_name,md5) endef # $(1): size define padded_img $(call echo_green,Preparing $(1) KB image padded with 0xFF...) tr "\000" "\377" < /dev/zero | dd ibs=1k count=$(1) \ of=$(BIN_DIR)/$(call img_name,bin) 2> /dev/null endef define final_img $(call echo_green,Preparing final image...) dd if=$(BIN_DIR)/temp.bin of=$(BIN_DIR)/$(call img_name,bin) \ conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/temp.bin endef # $(1): path to image # $(2): size limit in KB define size_chk $(call echo_green,Checking size of the image...) if [ `wc -c < $(1)` -gt `echo $(2)*1024 | bc` ]; then \ echo; \ $(call echo_red, ======================); \ $(call echo_red, IMAGE SIZE IS TOO BIG!); \ $(call echo_red, ======================); \ echo; \ rm -f $(1); \ exit 1; \ fi; endef # $(1): filename of image to copy # $(2): image size limit (check if set) define copy_img echo; $(call echo_green,Copying compiled image...) cp $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(strip $(1)).bin $(BIN_DIR)/temp.bin $(if $(2),$(call size_chk,$(BIN_DIR)/temp.bin,$(2))) endef # $(1): size limit in KB # $(2): if set to 1, use LZMA # $(3): other parameters passed to subdir make define build args="IMG_SIZE=$$((1024*$(call img_size,$(1)))) \ IMG_LZMA=$(strip $(call is_lzma,$(2))) \ $(strip $(3))"; \ cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && \ $(SUB_MAKE_CMD) $@ $$args && \ $(SUB_MAKE_CMD) all $$args $(if $(filter $(IMG_RAM),1),\ $(call copy_img,u-boot), \ $(if $(filter $(strip $(call is_lzma,$(2))),1), \ $(call copy_img,tuboot,$(call img_size,$(1))), \ $(call copy_img,u-boot,$(call img_size,$(1))) \ ) \ ) $(if $(filter $(IMG_RAM),1),,$(call padded_img,$(1))) $(call final_img) $(call md5_sum) echo; $(call echo_green,DONE!) $(call echo_green,Image 'bin/$(call img_name,bin)' is ready!) if [ "x$$IMG_RAM" = "x1" ]; then \ echo; \ $(call echo_blue, ================================); \ $(call echo_blue, THIS IMAGE IS ONLY FOR RAM LOAD!); \ $(call echo_blue, DO NOT WRITE IT INTO FLASH CHIP!); \ $(call echo_blue, ================================); \ echo; \ fi; endef # =========================================== # TARGETS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, SHARED FIRST # =========================================== COMMON_AR933X_TARGETS = \ gainstrong_oolite_v1_dev \ gl-innovations_gl-inet-6416 \ tp-link_tl-mr10u \ tp-link_tl-mr13u \ tp-link_tl-mr3020 \ tp-link_tl-mr3040 \ tp-link_tl-mr3220_v2 \ tp-link_tl-wr703n \ tp-link_tl-wr710n \ tp-link_tl-wr720n_v3_CN \ tp-link_tl-wr740n_v4 $(COMMON_AR933X_TARGETS): @$(call build,123,1) COMMON_ETHS27_TARGETS = \ tp-link_tl-mr3420_v2 \ tp-link_tl-wa830re_v2_tl-wa801nd_v2 \ tp-link_tl-wdr3500 \ tp-link_tl-wr802n \ tp-link_tl-wr820n_CN \ tp-link_tl-wr841n_v8 \ tp-link_tl-wr841n_v9 $(COMMON_ETHS27_TARGETS): @$(call build,123,1,ETH_CONFIG=_s27) 8devices_carambola2: @$(call build,256,1) comfast_cf-e520n: @$(call build,64,1,ETH_CONFIG=_s27) d-link_dir-505: @$(call build,64,1) dragino_v2_ms14: @$(call build,192,1,DEVICE_VENDOR=dragino) tp-link_tl-wdr3600_tl-43x0: @$(call build,123,1,ETH_CONFIG=_s17) unwireddevices_unwired-one: @$(call build,128,1,DEVICE_VENDOR=SE) village-telco_mesh-potato_v2: @$(call build,192,1,DEVICE_VENDOR=villagetelco) wallys_dr531: @$(call build,192,1,ETH_CONFIG=_s27) zbtlink_zbt-we1526: @$(call build,256,1,ETH_CONFIG=_s27) # ============= # CLEAN TARGETS # ============= clean: @cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && $(SUB_MAKE_CMD) distclean @rm -f $(SOURCE_DIR)/httpd/fsdata.c clean_all: clean @$(call echo_green,Removing all binary images...) @rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/*.bin @rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/*.md5