OpenSSL - Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------------------- * Where is the documentation? * How can I contact the OpenSSL developers? * Do I have to license patents to use OpenSSL? * Is OpenSSL thread-safe? * Why do I get a "PRNG not seeded" error message? * Where is the documentation? OpenSSL is a library that provides cryptographic functionality to applications such as secure web servers. Be sure to read the documentation of the application you want to use. The INSTALL file explains how to install this library. OpenSSL includes a command line utility that can be used to perform a variety of cryptographic functions. It is described in the openssl(1) manpage. Documentation for developers is currently being written. A few manual pages already are available; overviews over libcrypto and libssl are given in the crypto(3) and ssl(3) manpages. The OpenSSL manpages are installed in /usr/local/ssl/man/ (or a different directory if you specified one as described in INSTALL). In addition, you can read the most current versions at . For information on parts of libcrypto that are not yet documented, you might want to read Ariel Glenn's documentation on SSLeay 0.9, OpenSSL's predecessor, at . Much of this still applies to OpenSSL. The original SSLeay documentation is included in OpenSSL as doc/ssleay.txt. It may be useful when none of the other ressources help, but please note that it reflects the obsolete version SSLeay 0.6.6. * How can I contact the OpenSSL developers? The README file describes how to submit bug reports and patches to OpenSSL. Information on the OpenSSL mailing lists is available from . * Do I have to license patents to use OpenSSL? The patents section of the README file lists patents that may apply to you if you want to use OpenSSL. For information on intellectual property rights, please consult a lawyer. The OpenSSL team does not offer legal advice. You can configure OpenSSL so as not to use RC5 and IDEA by using ./config no-rc5 no-idea Until the RSA patent expires, U.S. users may want to use ./config no-rc5 no-idea no-rsa Please note that you will *not* be able to communicate with most of the popular web browsers without RSA support. * Is OpenSSL thread-safe? Yes. On Windows and many Unix systems, OpenSSL automatically uses the multi-threaded versions of the standard libraries. If your platform is not one of these, consult the INSTALL file. Multi-threaded applications must provide two callback functions to OpenSSL. This will be described in the threads(3) manpage. [That page has not been written yet. Please read the "threads.doc" section of doc/ssleay.txt instead.] * Why do I get a "PRNG not seeded" error message? Cryptographic software needs a source of unpredictable data to work correctly. Many open source operating systems provide a "randomness device" that serves this purpose. On other systems, applications have to call the RAND_add() or RAND_seed() function with appropriate data before generating keys or performing public key encryption. Some broken applications do not do this. As of version 0.9.5, the OpenSSL functions that need randomness report an error if the random number generator has not been seeded with at least 128 bits of randomness. If this error occurs, please contact the author of the application you are using. It is likely that it never worked correctly. OpenSSL 0.9.5 makes the error visible by refusing to perform potentially insecure encryption.