## descrip.mms to build OpenSSL on OpenVMS ## ## {- join("\n## ", @autowarntext) -} {- use File::Spec::Functions qw/:DEFAULT abs2rel rel2abs/; # Our prefix, claimed when speaking with the VSI folks Tuesday # January 26th 2016 our $osslprefix = 'OSSL$'; (our $osslprefix_q = $osslprefix) =~ s/\$/\\\$/; our $sover = sprintf "%02d%02d", $config{shlib_major}, $config{shlib_minor}; our $osslver = sprintf "%02d%02d", split(/\./, $config{version}); our $sourcedir = $config{sourcedir}; our $builddir = $config{builddir}; sub sourcefile { catfile($sourcedir, @_); } sub buildfile { catfile($builddir, @_); } sub sourcedir { catdir($sourcedir, @_); } sub builddir { catdir($builddir, @_); } sub tree { (my $x = shift) =~ s|\]$|...]|; $x } sub move { my $f = catdir(@_); my $b = abs2rel(rel2abs("."),rel2abs($f)); $sourcedir = catdir($b,$sourcedir) if !file_name_is_absolute($sourcedir); $builddir = catdir($b,$builddir) if !file_name_is_absolute($builddir); ""; } # Because we need to make two computations of these data, # we store them in arrays for reuse our @shlibs = map { $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_} || () } @{$unified_info{libraries}}; our @install_shlibs = map { $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_} || () } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}; our @generated = ( ( map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.S$|\.s|; $x } grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} } map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} } grep { /\.o$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}} ), ( grep { /\.h$/ } keys %{$unified_info{generate}} ) ); # This is a horrible hack, but is needed because recursive inclusion of files # in different directories does not work well with HP C. my $sd = sourcedir("crypto", "async", "arch"); foreach (grep /\[\.crypto\.async\.arch\].*\.o$/, keys %{$unified_info{sources}}) { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|.OBJ|; $unified_info{before}->{$x} = qq(arch_include = F\$PARSE("$sd","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" define arch 'arch_include'); $unified_info{after}->{$x} = qq(deassign arch); } my $sd1 = sourcedir("ssl","record"); my $sd2 = sourcedir("ssl","statem"); $unified_info{before}->{"[.test]heartbeat_test.OBJ"} = $unified_info{before}->{"[.test]ssltest_old.OBJ"} = qq(record_include = F\$PARSE("$sd1","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" define record 'record_include' statem_include = F\$PARSE("$sd2","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" define statem 'statem_include'); $unified_info{after}->{"[.test]heartbeat_test.OBJ"} = $unified_info{after}->{"[.test]ssltest.OBJ"} = qq(deassign statem deassign record); foreach (grep /^\[\.ssl\.(?:record|statem)\].*\.o$/, keys %{$unified_info{sources}}) { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|.OBJ|; $unified_info{before}->{$x} = qq(record_include = F\$PARSE("$sd1","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" define record 'record_include' statem_include = F\$PARSE("$sd2","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" define statem 'statem_include'); $unified_info{after}->{$x} = qq(deassign statem deassign record); } #use Data::Dumper; #print STDERR "DEBUG: before:\n", Dumper($unified_info{before}); #print STDERR "DEBUG: after:\n", Dumper($unified_info{after}); ""; -} PLATFORM={- $config{target} -} OPTIONS={- $config{options} -} CONFIGURE_ARGS=({- join(", ",quotify_l(@{$config{perlargv}})) -}) SRCDIR={- $config{sourcedir} -} BLDDIR={- $config{builddir} -} # Allow both V and VERBOSE to indicate verbosity. This only applies # to testing. VERBOSE=$(V) VERSION={- $config{version} -} MAJOR={- $config{major} -} MINOR={- $config{minor} -} SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER={- $config{shlib_version_number} -} SHLIB_VERSION_HISTORY={- $config{shlib_version_history} -} SHLIB_MAJOR={- $config{shlib_major} -} SHLIB_MINOR={- $config{shlib_minor} -} SHLIB_TARGET={- $target{shared_target} -} EXE_EXT=.EXE LIB_EXT=.OLB SHLIB_EXT=.EXE OBJ_EXT=.OBJ DEP_EXT=.D LIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".OLB" } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) -} SHLIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @shlibs) -} ENGINES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{engines}}) -} PROGRAMS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) -} SCRIPTS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{scripts}}) -} {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -} DEPS={- our @deps = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|\$(DEP_EXT)|; $x; } grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.c$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}}; join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @deps); -} {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -} GENERATED_MANDATORY={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{depends}->{""}} ) -} GENERATED={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @generated) -} INSTALL_LIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".OLB" } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}) -} INSTALL_SHLIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @install_shlibs) -} INSTALL_ENGINES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{install}->{engines}}) -} INSTALL_PROGRAMS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{install}->{programs}}) -} {- output_off() if $disabled{apps}; "" -} BIN_SCRIPTS=[.tools]c_rehash.pl MISC_SCRIPTS=[.apps]CA.pl, [.apps]tsget.pl {- output_on() if $disabled{apps}; "" -} # DESTDIR is for package builders so that they can configure for, say, # SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL] and yet have everything installed in STAGING:[USER]. # In that case, configure with --prefix=SYS$COMMON:[OPENSSL] and then run # MMS with /MACROS=(DESTDIR=STAGING:[USER]). The result will end up in # STAGING:[USER.OPENSSL]. # Normally it is left empty. DESTDIR= # Do not edit this manually. Use Configure --prefix=DIR to change this! INSTALLTOP={- our $installtop = catdir($config{prefix}) || "SYS\$COMMON:[OPENSSL]"; $installtop -} SYSTARTUP={- catdir($installtop, '[.SYS$STARTUP]'); -} # This is the standard central area to store certificates, private keys... OPENSSLDIR={- catdir($config{openssldir}) or $config{prefix} ? catdir($config{prefix},"COMMON") : "SYS\$COMMON:[OPENSSL-COMMON]" -} # The same, but for C OPENSSLDIR_C={- $osslprefix -}DATAROOT:[000000] # Where installed engines reside, for C ENGINESDIR_C={- $osslprefix -}ENGINES{- $sover.$target{pointer_size} -}: CC= {- $target{cc} -} CFLAGS= /DEFINE=({- join(",", @{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}},"OPENSSLDIR=\"\"\"\$(OPENSSLDIR_C)\"\"\"","ENGINESDIR=\"\"\"\$(ENGINESDIR_C)\"\"\"") -}) {- $target{cflags} -} {- $config{cflags} -} CFLAGS_Q=$(CFLAGS) DEPFLAG= /DEFINE=({- join(",", @{$config{depdefines}}) -}) LDFLAGS= {- $target{lflags} -} EX_LIBS= {- $target{ex_libs} ? ",".$target{ex_libs} : "" -}{- $config{ex_libs} ? ",".$config{ex_libs} : "" -} LIB_CFLAGS={- $target{lib_cflags} || "" -} DSO_CFLAGS={- $target{dso_cflags} || "" -} BIN_CFLAGS={- $target{bin_cflags} || "" -} PERL={- $config{perl} -} # We let the C compiler driver to take care of .s files. This is done in # order to be excused from maintaining a separate set of architecture # dependent assembler flags. E.g. if you throw -mcpu=ultrasparc at SPARC # gcc, then the driver will automatically translate it to -xarch=v8plus # and pass it down to assembler. AS={- $target{as} -} ASFLAG={- $target{asflags} -} # .FIRST and .LAST are special targets with MMS and MMK. # The defines in there are for C. includes that look like # this: # # #include # #include "internal/bar.h" # # will use the logical names to find the files. Expecting # DECompHP C to find files in subdirectories of whatever was # given with /INCLUDE is a fantasy, unfortunately. NODEBUG=@ .FIRST : $(NODEBUG) openssl_inc1 = F$PARSE("[.include.openssl]","A.;",,,"syntax_only") - "A.;" $(NODEBUG) openssl_inc2 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.include.openssl]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" $(NODEBUG) internal_inc1 = F$PARSE("[.crypto.include.internal]","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" $(NODEBUG) internal_inc2 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.include.internal]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" $(NODEBUG) internal_inc3 = F$PARSE("{- catdir($config{sourcedir},"[.crypto.include.internal]") -}","A.;",,,"SYNTAX_ONLY") - "A.;" $(NODEBUG) DEFINE openssl 'openssl_inc1','openssl_inc2' $(NODEBUG) DEFINE internal 'internal_inc1','internal_inc2','internal_inc3' $(NODEBUG) staging_dir = "$(DESTDIR)" $(NODEBUG) staging_instdir = "" $(NODEBUG) staging_datadir = "" $(NODEBUG) IF staging_dir .NES. "" THEN - staging_instdir = F$PARSE("A.;",staging_dir,"[]",,"SYNTAX_ONLY") $(NODEBUG) IF staging_instdir - "]A.;" .NES. staging_instdir THEN - staging_instdir = staging_instdir - "]A.;" + ".OPENSSL-INSTALL]" $(NODEBUG) IF staging_instdir - "A.;" .NES. staging_instdir THEN - staging_instdir = staging_instdir - "A.;" + "[OPENSSL-INSTALL]" $(NODEBUG) IF staging_dir .NES. "" THEN - staging_datadir = F$PARSE("A.;",staging_dir,"[]",,"SYNTAX_ONLY") $(NODEBUG) IF staging_datadir - "]A.;" .NES. staging_datadir THEN - staging_datadir = staging_datadir - "]A.;" + ".OPENSSL-COMMON]" $(NODEBUG) IF staging_datadir - "A.;" .NES. staging_datadir THEN - staging_datadir = staging_datadir - "A.;" + "[OPENSSL-COMMON]" $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) ! Installation logical names $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) installtop = F$PARSE(staging_instdir,"$(INSTALLTOP)","[]A.;",,"SYNTAX_ONLY,NO_CONCEAL") - ".][000000" - "[000000." - "][" - "]A.;" + ".]" $(NODEBUG) datatop = F$PARSE(staging_datadir,"$(OPENSSLDIR)","[]A.;",,"SYNTAX_ONLY,NO_CONCEAL") - ".][000000" - "[000000." - "][" - "]A.;" + ".]" $(NODEBUG) DEFINE ossl_installroot 'installtop' $(NODEBUG) DEFINE ossl_dataroot 'datatop' $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) ! Figure out the architecture $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) arch == f$edit( f$getsyi( "arch_name"), "upcase") $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) ! Set up logical names for the libraries, so LINK and $(NODEBUG) ! running programs can use them. $(NODEBUG) ! $(NODEBUG) {- join("\n\t\$(NODEBUG) ", map { "DEFINE ".uc($_)." 'F\$ENV(\"DEFAULT\")'".uc($_)."\$(SHLIB_EXT)" } map { $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_} || () } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) || "!" -} .LAST : $(NODEBUG) {- join("\n\t\$(NODEBUG) ", map { "DEASSIGN ".uc($_) } map { $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_} || () } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) || "!" -} $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN ossl_dataroot $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN ossl_installroot $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN internal $(NODEBUG) DEASSIGN openssl .DEFAULT : @ ! MMS cannot handle no actions... # The main targets ################################################### all : build_generated, - build_libs_nodep, build_engines_nodep, build_programs_nodep, - depend build_libs : build_generated, build_libs_nodep, depend build_libs_nodep : $(LIBS), $(SHLIBS) build_engines : build_generated, build_engines_nodep, depend build_engines_nodep : $(ENGINES) build_programs : build_generated, build_programs_nodep, depend build_programs_nodep : $(PROGRAMS), $(SCRIPTS) build_generated : $(GENERATED_MANDATORY) # Kept around for backward compatibility build_apps build_tests : build_programs test tests : build_generated, build_programs_nodep, build_engines_nodep, - depend @ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -} SET DEFAULT [.test]{- move("test") -} DEFINE SRCTOP {- sourcedir() -} DEFINE BLDTOP {- builddir() -} DEFINE OPENSSL_ENGINES {- builddir("engines") -} IF "$(VERBOSE)" .NES. "" THEN DEFINE VERBOSE "$(VERBOSE)" $(PERL) {- sourcefile("test", "run_tests.pl") -} $(TESTS) DEASSIGN OPENSSL_ENGINES DEASSIGN BLDTOP DEASSIGN SRCTOP SET DEFAULT [-]{- move("..") -} @ ! {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -} @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options" @ ! {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -} list-tests : @ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -} @ DEFINE SRCTOP {- sourcedir() -} @ $(PERL) {- sourcefile("test", "run_tests.pl") -} list @ DEASSIGN SRCTOP @ ! {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -} @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options" @ ! {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -} install : install_sw install_ssldirs install_docs @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "######################################################################" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" @ IF "$(DESTDIR)" .EQS. "" THEN - PIPE ( WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Installation complete" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_startup{- $osslver -} to set up logical names" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "then run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_utils{- $osslver -} to define commands" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ) @ IF "$(DESTDIR)" .NES. "" THEN - PIPE ( WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Staging installation complete" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Finish or package in such a way that the contents of the directory tree" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT staging_instdir ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "ends up in $(INSTALLTOP)," ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "and that the contents of the contents of the directory tree" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT staging_datadir ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "ends up in $(OPENSSLDIR)" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "When in its final destination," ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_startup{- $osslver -} to set up logical names" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "then run @$(SYSTARTUP)openssl_utils{- $osslver -} to define commands" ; - WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" ) check_install : spawn/nolog @ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST]openssl_ivp{- $osslver -}.com uninstall : uninstall_docs uninstall_sw # Because VMS wants the generation number (or *) to delete files, we can't # use $(LIBS), $(PROGRAMS), $(GENERATED) and $(ENGINES)directly. libclean : {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.OLB;*" } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) || "@ !" -} {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.MAP;*,$_.OPT;*" } @shlibs) || "@ !" -} clean : libclean {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.OPT;*" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) || "@ !" -} {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_.EXE;*,$_.OPT;*" } @{$unified_info{engines}}) || "@ !" -} {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @{$unified_info{scripts}}) || "@ !" -} {- join("\n\t", map { "- DELETE $_;*" } @generated) || "@ !" -} - DELETE [...]*.MAP;* - DELETE [...]*.D;* - DELETE [...]*.OBJ;*,*.LIS;* - DELETE []CXX$DEMANGLER_DB.;* - DELETE [.VMS]openssl_startup.com;* - DELETE [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com;* - DELETE []vmsconfig.pm;* distclean : clean - DELETE configdata.pm;* - DELETE descrip.mms;* depend : descrip.mms descrip.mms : FORCE @ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -} @ $(PERL) -pe "if (/^# DO NOT DELETE.*/) { exit(0); }" - < descrip.mms > descrip.mms-new @ OPEN/APPEND DESCRIP descrip.mms-new @ WRITE DESCRIP "# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it." {- join("\n\t", map { "\@ IF F\$SEARCH(\"$_\") .NES. \"\" THEN TYPE $_ /OUTPUT=DESCRIP:" } @deps); -} @ CLOSE DESCRIP @ PIPE ( $(PERL) -e "use File::Compare qw/compare_text/; my $x = compare_text(""descrip.mms"",""descrip.mms-new""); exit(0x10000000 + ($x == 0));" || - RENAME descrip.mms-new descrip.mms ) @ IF F$SEARCH("descrip.mms-new") .NES. "" THEN DELETE descrip.mms-new;* -@ SPAWN/OUTPUT=NLA0: PURGE/NOLOG descrip.mms @ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -} # Install helper targets ############################################# install_sw : all install_shared _install_dev_ns - install_engines _install_runtime_ns - install_startup install_ivp uninstall_sw : uninstall_shared _uninstall_dev_ns - uninstall_engines _uninstall_runtime_ns - uninstall_startup uninstall_ivp install_docs : install_html_docs uninstall_docs : uninstall_html_docs install_ssldirs : check_INSTALLTOP - CREATE/DIR/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWE,G:RE,W:RE) OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000] IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]CERTS.DIR;1") .EQS. "" THEN - CREATE/DIR/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWE,G:RE,W:RE) OSSL_DATAROOT:[CERTS] IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]PRIVATE.DIR;1") .EQS. "" THEN - CREATE/DIR/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWE,G,W) OSSL_DATAROOT:[PRIVATE] IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]MISC.DIR;1") .EQS. "" THEN - CREATE/DIR/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWE,G,W) OSSL_DATAROOT:[MISC] COPY/PROT=W:RE $(MISC_SCRIPTS) OSSL_DATAROOT:[MISC] @ ! Install configuration file COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "openssl-vms.cnf") -} - ossl_dataroot:[000000]openssl.cnf-dist IF F$SEARCH("OSSL_DATAROOT:[000000]openssl.cnf") .EQS. "" THEN - COPY/PROT=W:R {- sourcefile("apps", "openssl-vms.cnf") -} - ossl_dataroot:[000000]openssl.cnf install_shared : check_INSTALLTOP @ {- output_off() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} ! @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing shareable images" @ ! Install shared (runtime) libraries - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch'] {- join("\n ", map { "COPY/PROT=W:R $_.EXE ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']" } @install_shlibs) -} @ {- output_on() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} ! _install_dev_ns : check_INSTALLTOP @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing development files" @ ! Install header files - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[include.openssl] COPY/PROT=W:R openssl:*.h ossl_installroot:[include.openssl] @ ! Install static (development) libraries - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch'] {- join("\n ", map { "COPY/PROT=W:R $_.OLB ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']" } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}) -} install_dev : install_shared _install_dev_ns _install_runtime_ns : check_INSTALLTOP @ ! Install the main program - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[EXE.'arch'] COPY/PROT=W:RE [.APPS]openssl.EXE - ossl_installroot:[EXE.'arch']openssl{- $osslver -}.EXE @ ! Install scripts COPY/PROT=W:RE $(BIN_SCRIPTS) ossl_installroot:[EXE] @ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{apps}; "" -} install_runtime : install_shared _install_runtime_ns install_engines : check_INSTALLTOP @ {- output_off() unless scalar @{$unified_info{engines}}; "" -} ! @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing engines" - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[ENGINES{- $sover.$target{pointer_size} -}.'arch'] {- join("\n ", map { "COPY/PROT=W:RE $_.EXE ossl_installroot:[ENGINES$sover$target{pointer_size}.'arch']" } @{$unified_info{install}->{engines}}) -} @ {- output_on() unless scalar @{$unified_info{engines}}; "" -} ! install_startup : [.VMS]openssl_startup.com [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com - [.VMS]openssl_utils.com, check_INSTALLTOP - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP] COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_startup.com - ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_startup{- $osslver -}.com COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com - ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_shutdown{- $osslver -}.com COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_utils.com - ossl_installroot:[SYS$STARTUP]openssl_utils{- $osslver -}.com install_ivp : [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com check_INSTALLTOP - CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST] COPY/PROT=W:RE [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com - ossl_installroot:[SYSTEST]openssl_ivp{- $osslver -}.com [.VMS]openssl_startup.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_startup.com.in") -} - CREATE/DIR [.VMS] $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} - {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_startup.com.in") -} - > [.VMS]openssl_startup.com [.VMS]openssl_utils.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_utils.com.in") -} - CREATE/DIR [.VMS] $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} - {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_utils.com.in") -} - > [.VMS]openssl_utils.com [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_shutdown.com.in") -} - CREATE/DIR [.VMS] $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} - {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_shutdown.com.in") -} - > [.VMS]openssl_shutdown.com [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com : vmsconfig.pm {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_ivp.com.in") -} - CREATE/DIR [.VMS] $(PERL) "-I." "-Mvmsconfig" {- sourcefile("util", "dofile.pl") -} - {- sourcefile("VMS", "openssl_ivp.com.in") -} - > [.VMS]openssl_ivp.com vmsconfig.pm : configdata.pm OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ CONFIG []vmsconfig.pm WRITE CONFIG "package vmsconfig;" WRITE CONFIG "use strict; use warnings;" WRITE CONFIG "use Exporter;" WRITE CONFIG "our @ISA = qw(Exporter);" WRITE CONFIG "our @EXPORT = qw(%config %target %withargs %unified_info %disabled);" WRITE CONFIG "our %config = (" WRITE CONFIG " target => '","{- $config{target} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG " version => '","{- $config{version} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG " shlib_major => '","{- $config{shlib_major} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG " shlib_minor => '","{- $config{shlib_minor} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG " no_shared => '","{- $disabled{shared} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG " INSTALLTOP => '$(INSTALLTOP)'," WRITE CONFIG " OPENSSLDIR => '$(OPENSSLDIR)'," WRITE CONFIG " pointer_size => '","{- $target{pointer_size} -}","'," WRITE CONFIG ");" WRITE CONFIG "our %target = ();" WRITE CONFIG "our %disabled = ();" WRITE CONFIG "our %withargs = ();" WRITE CONFIG "our %unified_info = ();" WRITE CONFIG "1;" CLOSE CONFIG install_html_docs : check_INSTALLTOP sourcedir = F$PARSE("{- $sourcedir -}A.;","[]") - "]A.;" + ".DOC]" $(PERL) {- sourcefile("util", "process_docs.pl") -} - --sourcedir='sourcedir' --destdir=ossl_installroot:[HTML] - --type=html check_INSTALLTOP : @ IF "$(INSTALLTOP)" .EQS. "" THEN - WRITE SYS$ERROR "INSTALLTOP should not be empty" @ IF "$(INSTALLTOP)" .EQS. "" THEN - EXIT %x10000002 # Helper targets ##################################################### # Developer targets ################################################## debug_logicals : SH LOGICAL/PROC openssl,internal,ossl_installroot,ossl_dataroot # Building targets ################################################### configdata.pm : $(SRCDIR)Configure $(SRCDIR)config.com {- join(" ", @{$config{build_file_templates}}, @{$config{build_infos}}, @{$config{conf_files}}) -} @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Reconfiguring..." perl $(SRCDIR)Configure reconf @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*************************************************" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** ***" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Please run the same mms command again ***" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** ***" @ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*************************************************" @ PIPE ( EXIT %X10000000 ) {- use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions qw/abs2rel rel2abs catfile catdir/; sub generatesrc { my %args = @_; my $generator = join(" ", @{$args{generator}}); my $generator_incs = join("", map { ' "-I'.$_.'"' } @{$args{generator_incs}}); my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}}); if ($args{src} !~ /\.[sS]$/) { if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) { my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "util", "dofile.pl")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); return <<"EOF"; $args{src} : $args{generator}->[0] $deps \$(PERL) "-I\$(BLDDIR)" "-Mconfigdata" $dofile \\ "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$@ EOF } else { return <<"EOF"; $args{src} : $args{generator}->[0] $deps \$(PERL)$generator_incs $generator > \$@ EOF } } else { die "No method to generate assembler source present.\n"; } } sub src2obj { my %args = @_; my $obj = $args{obj}; my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @{$args{srcs}}, @{$args{deps}}); # Because VMS C isn't very good at combining a /INCLUDE path with # #includes having a relative directory (like '#include "../foo.h"), # the best choice is to move to the first source file's intended # directory before compiling, and make sure to write the object file # in the correct position (important when the object tree is other # than the source tree). my $forward = dirname($args{srcs}->[0]); my $backward = abs2rel(rel2abs("."), rel2abs($forward)); my $objd = abs2rel(rel2abs(dirname($obj)), rel2abs($forward)); my $objn = basename($obj); my $srcs = join(", ", map { abs2rel(rel2abs($_), rel2abs($forward)) } @{$args{srcs}}); my $ecflags = { lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS)', dso => '$(DSO_CFLAGS)', bin => '$(BIN_CFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}}; my $incs_on = "\@ !"; my $incs_off = "\@ !"; my $incs = ""; my @incs = (); push @incs, @{$args{incs}} if @{$args{incs}}; unless ($disabled{zlib}) { # GNV$ZLIB_INCLUDE is the standard logical name for later zlib # incarnations. push @incs, ($withargs{zlib_include} || 'GNV$ZLIB_INCLUDE:'); } if (@incs) { $incs_on = "DEFINE tmp_includes " .join(",-\n\t\t\t", map { file_name_is_absolute($_) ? $_ : catdir($backward,$_) } @incs); $incs_off = "DEASSIGN tmp_includes"; $incs = " /INCLUDE=(tmp_includes:)"; } my $before = $unified_info{before}->{$obj.".OBJ"} || "\@ !"; my $after = $unified_info{after}->{$obj.".OBJ"} || "\@ !"; my $depbuild = $disabled{makedepend} ? "" : " /MMS=(FILE=${objd}${objn}.tmp-D,TARGET=$obj.OBJ)"; return <<"EOF"; $obj.OBJ : $deps ${before} SET DEFAULT $forward $incs_on \$(CC) \$(CFLAGS)${ecflags}${incs}${depbuild} /OBJECT=${objd}${objn}.OBJ /REPOSITORY=$backward $srcs $incs_off SET DEFAULT $backward ${after} \@ PIPE ( \$(PERL) -e "use File::Compare qw/compare_text/; my \$x = compare_text(""$obj.D"",""$obj.tmp-D""); exit(0x10000000 + (\$x == 0));" || - RENAME $obj.tmp-D $obj.d ) \@ IF F\$SEARCH("$obj.tmp-D") .NES. "" THEN DELETE $obj.tmp-D;* - PURGE $obj.OBJ EOF } sub libobj2shlib { my %args = @_; my $lib = $args{lib}; my $shlib = $args{shlib}; my $libd = dirname($lib); my $libn = basename($lib); (my $mkdef_key = $libn) =~ s/^${osslprefix_q}lib([^0-9]*)\d*/$1/i; my @deps = map { $disabled{shared} ? $_.".OLB" : $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_}.".EXE"; } @{$args{deps}}; my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @deps); my $shlib_target = $disabled{shared} ? "" : $target{shared_target}; my $ordinalsfile = defined($args{ordinals}) ? $args{ordinals}->[1] : ""; my $engine_opt = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "VMS", "engine.opt")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); my $mkdef_pl = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "util", "mkdef.pl")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); my $translatesyms_pl = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "VMS", "translatesyms.pl")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise. my $write_opt = join("\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_; $x =~ s|(\.EXE)|$1/SHARE|; $x =~ s|(\.OLB)|$1/LIB|; "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x\"" } @deps) || "\@ !"; return <<"EOF"; $shlib.EXE : $lib.OLB $deps $ordinalsfile \$(PERL) $mkdef_pl "$mkdef_key" "VMS" > $shlib.SYMVEC-tmp \$(PERL) $translatesyms_pl \$(BLDDIR)CXX\$DEMANGLER_DB. < $shlib.SYMVEC-tmp > $shlib.SYMVEC DELETE $shlib.SYMVEC-tmp;* OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ OPT_FILE $shlib.OPT WRITE OPT_FILE "IDENTIFICATION=""V$config{version}""" TYPE $shlib.SYMVEC /OUTPUT=OPT_FILE: WRITE OPT_FILE "$lib.OLB/LIBRARY" $write_opt CLOSE OPT_FILE LINK /MAP=$shlib.MAP /FULL/SHARE=$shlib.EXE $shlib.OPT/OPT \$(EX_LIBS) DELETE $shlib.SYMVEC;* PURGE $shlib.EXE,$shlib.OPT,$shlib.MAP EOF } sub obj2dso { my %args = @_; my $lib = $args{lib}; my $libd = dirname($lib); my $libn = basename($lib); (my $libn_nolib = $libn) =~ s/^lib//; my @objs = map { "$_.OBJ" } @{$args{objs}}; my @deps = map { $disabled{shared} ? $_.".OLB" : $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_}.".EXE"; } @{$args{deps}}; my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs, @deps); my $shlib_target = $disabled{shared} ? "" : $target{shared_target}; my $engine_opt = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "VMS", "engine.opt")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise. my $write_opt1 = join(",-\"\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_; "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x" } @objs). "\""; my $write_opt2 = join("\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_; $x =~ s|(\.EXE)|$1/SHARE|; $x =~ s|(\.OLB)|$1/LIB|; "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x\"" } @deps) || "\@ !"; return <<"EOF"; $lib.EXE : $deps OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ OPT_FILE $lib.OPT TYPE $engine_opt /OUTPUT=OPT_FILE: $write_opt1 $write_opt2 CLOSE OPT_FILE LINK /MAP=$lib.MAP /FULL/SHARE=$lib.EXE $lib.OPT/OPT \$(EX_LIBS) - PURGE $lib.EXE,$lib.OPT,$lib.MAP EOF } sub obj2lib { my %args = @_; my $lib = $args{lib}; my $objs = join(", -\n\t\t", map { $_.".OBJ" } (@{$args{objs}})); my $fill_lib = join("\n\t", (map { "LIBRARY/REPLACE $lib.OLB $_.OBJ" } @{$args{objs}})); return <<"EOF"; $lib.OLB : $objs LIBRARY/CREATE/OBJECT $lib.OLB $fill_lib - PURGE $lib.OLB EOF } sub obj2bin { my %args = @_; my $bin = $args{bin}; my $bind = dirname($bin); my $binn = basename($bin); my @objs = map { "$_.OBJ" } @{$args{objs}}; my @deps = map { $disabled{shared} ? $_.".OLB" : $unified_info{sharednames}->{$_}.".EXE"; } @{$args{deps}}; my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @objs, @deps); # The "[]" hack is because in .OPT files, each line inherits the # previous line's file spec as default, so if no directory spec # is present in the current line and the previous line has one that # doesn't apply, you're in for a surprise. my $write_opt1 = join(",-\"\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_; "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x" } @objs). "\""; my $write_opt2 = join("\n\t", map { my $x = $_ =~ /\[/ ? $_ : "[]".$_; $x =~ s|(\.EXE)|$1/SHARE|; $x =~ s|(\.OLB)|$1/LIB|; "WRITE OPT_FILE \"$x\"" } @deps) || "\@ !"; return <<"EOF"; $bin.EXE : $deps OPEN/WRITE/SHARE=READ OPT_FILE $bin.OPT $write_opt1 $write_opt2 CLOSE OPT_FILE LINK/EXEC=$bin.EXE \$(LDFLAGS) $bin.OPT/OPT \$(EX_LIBS) - PURGE $bin.EXE,$bin.OPT EOF } sub in2script { my %args = @_; my $script = $args{script}; return "" if grep { $_ eq $script } @{$args{sources}}; # No overwrite! my $sources = join(" ", @{$args{sources}}); my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir}, "util", "dofile.pl")), rel2abs($config{builddir})); return <<"EOF"; $script : $sources \$(PERL) "-I\$(BLDDIR)" "-Mconfigdata" $dofile - "-o$target{build_file}" $sources > $script SET FILE/PROT=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RE,W:RE) $script PURGE $script EOF } "" # Important! This becomes part of the template result. -}