[oweals/openwrt.git] /
1 From 903af89ac9a9b82b6e736ab04e3848672a0ab364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2 From: Jonathan Bell <jonathan@raspberrypi.org>
3 Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 11:33:39 +0100
4 Subject: [PATCH 654/806] xhci: implement xhci_fixup_endpoint for interval
5  adjustments
7 Must be called in a non-atomic context, after the endpoint
8 has been registered with the hardware via xhci_add_endpoint
9 and before the first URB is submitted for the endpoint.
11 Signed-off-by: Jonathan Bell <jonathan@raspberrypi.org>
12 ---
13  drivers/usb/host/xhci.c | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14  1 file changed, 98 insertions(+)
16 --- a/drivers/usb/host/xhci.c
17 +++ b/drivers/usb/host/xhci.c
18 @@ -1416,6 +1416,103 @@ command_cleanup:
19  }
21  /*
22 + * RPI: Fixup endpoint intervals when requested
23 + * - Check interval versus the (cached) endpoint context
24 + * - set the endpoint interval to the new value
25 + * - force an endpoint configure command
26 + * XXX: bandwidth is not recalculated. We should probably do that.
27 + */
28 +static void xhci_fixup_endpoint(struct usb_hcd *hcd, struct usb_device *udev,
29 +                               struct usb_host_endpoint *ep, int interval)
30 +{
31 +       struct xhci_hcd *xhci;
32 +       struct xhci_ep_ctx *ep_ctx_out, *ep_ctx_in;
33 +       struct xhci_command *command;
34 +       struct xhci_input_control_ctx *ctrl_ctx;
35 +       struct xhci_virt_device *vdev;
36 +       int xhci_interval;
37 +       int ret;
38 +       int ep_index;
39 +       unsigned long flags;
40 +       u32 ep_info_tmp;
41 +
42 +       xhci = hcd_to_xhci(hcd);
43 +       ep_index = xhci_get_endpoint_index(&ep->desc);
44 +
45 +       /* FS/LS interval translations */
46 +       if ((udev->speed == USB_SPEED_FULL ||
47 +            udev->speed == USB_SPEED_LOW))
48 +               interval *= 8;
49 +
50 +       mutex_lock(&xhci->mutex);
51 +
52 +       spin_lock_irqsave(&xhci->lock, flags);
53 +
54 +       vdev = xhci->devs[udev->slot_id];
55 +       /* Get context-derived endpoint interval */
56 +       ep_ctx_out = xhci_get_ep_ctx(xhci, vdev->out_ctx, ep_index);
57 +       ep_ctx_in = xhci_get_ep_ctx(xhci, vdev->in_ctx, ep_index);
58 +       xhci_interval = EP_INTERVAL_TO_UFRAMES(le32_to_cpu(ep_ctx_out->ep_info));
59 +
60 +       if (interval == xhci_interval) {
61 +               spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xhci->lock, flags);
62 +               mutex_unlock(&xhci->mutex);
63 +               return;
64 +       }
65 +
66 +       xhci_dbg(xhci, "Fixup interval=%d xhci_interval=%d\n",
67 +                interval, xhci_interval);
68 +       command = xhci_alloc_command_with_ctx(xhci, true, GFP_ATOMIC);
69 +       if (!command) {
70 +               /* Failure here is benign, poll at the original rate */
71 +               spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xhci->lock, flags);
72 +               mutex_unlock(&xhci->mutex);
73 +               return;
74 +       }
75 +
76 +       /* xHCI uses exponents for intervals... */
77 +       xhci_interval = fls(interval) - 1;
78 +       xhci_interval = clamp_val(xhci_interval, 3, 10);
79 +       ep_info_tmp = le32_to_cpu(ep_ctx_out->ep_info);
80 +       ep_info_tmp &= ~EP_INTERVAL(255);
81 +       ep_info_tmp |= EP_INTERVAL(xhci_interval);
82 +
83 +       /* Keep the endpoint context up-to-date while issuing the command. */
84 +       xhci_endpoint_copy(xhci, vdev->in_ctx,
85 +                          vdev->out_ctx, ep_index);
86 +       ep_ctx_in->ep_info = cpu_to_le32(ep_info_tmp);
87 +
88 +       /*
89 +        * We need to drop the lock, so take an explicit copy
90 +        * of the ep context.
91 +        */
92 +       xhci_endpoint_copy(xhci, command->in_ctx, vdev->in_ctx, ep_index);
93 +
94 +       ctrl_ctx = xhci_get_input_control_ctx(command->in_ctx);
95 +       if (!ctrl_ctx) {
96 +               xhci_warn(xhci,
97 +                         "%s: Could not get input context, bad type.\n",
98 +                         __func__);
99 +               spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xhci->lock, flags);
100 +               xhci_free_command(xhci, command);
101 +               mutex_unlock(&xhci->mutex);
102 +               return;
103 +       }
104 +       ctrl_ctx->add_flags = xhci_get_endpoint_flag_from_index(ep_index);
105 +       ctrl_ctx->drop_flags = 0;
106 +
107 +       spin_unlock_irqrestore(&xhci->lock, flags);
108 +
109 +       ret = xhci_configure_endpoint(xhci, udev, command,
110 +                                     false, false);
111 +       if (ret)
112 +               xhci_warn(xhci, "%s: Configure endpoint failed: %d\n",
113 +                         __func__, ret);
114 +       xhci_free_command(xhci, command);
115 +       mutex_unlock(&xhci->mutex);
116 +}
117 +
118 +/*
119   * non-error returns are a promise to giveback() the urb later
120   * we drop ownership so next owner (or urb unlink) can get it
121   */
122 @@ -5180,6 +5277,7 @@ static const struct hc_driver xhci_hc_dr
123         .endpoint_reset =       xhci_endpoint_reset,
124         .check_bandwidth =      xhci_check_bandwidth,
125         .reset_bandwidth =      xhci_reset_bandwidth,
126 +       .fixup_endpoint =       xhci_fixup_endpoint,
127         .address_device =       xhci_address_device,
128         .enable_device =        xhci_enable_device,
129         .update_hub_device =    xhci_update_hub_device,