7 use File::Spec::Functions qw/splitdir curdir catfile/;
9 use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT cmdstr srctop_file/;
13 # All these are modified inside indir further down. They need to exist
14 # here, however, to be available in all subroutines.
17 my @RUN = ("openssl", "ts");
23 $ENV{TSDNSECT} = "ts_cert_dn";
25 ok(run(app(["openssl", "req", "-new",
26 "-out", "tsa_req${INDEX}.pem",
27 "-keyout", "tsa_key${INDEX}.pem"])));
28 note "using extension $EXT";
29 ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-req",
30 "-in", "tsa_req${INDEX}.pem",
31 "-out", "tsa_cert${INDEX}.pem",
32 "-CA", "tsaca.pem", "-CAkey", "tsacakey.pem",
34 "-extfile", $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF}, "-extensions", $EXT])));
37 sub create_time_stamp_response {
38 my $queryfile = shift;
39 my $outputfile = shift;
42 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-section", "$datafile",
43 "-queryfile", "$queryfile", "-out", "$outputfile"])));
46 sub verify_time_stamp_response {
47 my $queryfile = shift;
48 my $inputfile = shift;
51 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-verify", "-queryfile", "$queryfile",
52 "-in", "$inputfile", "-CAfile", "tsaca.pem",
53 "-untrusted", "tsa_cert1.pem"])));
54 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-verify", "-data", "$datafile",
55 "-in", "$inputfile", "-CAfile", "tsaca.pem",
56 "-untrusted", "tsa_cert1.pem"])));
59 sub verify_time_stamp_response_fail {
60 my $queryfile = shift;
61 my $inputfile = shift;
63 ok(!run(app([@RUN, "-verify", "-queryfile", "$queryfile",
64 "-in", "$inputfile", "-CAfile", "tsaca.pem",
65 "-untrusted", "tsa_cert1.pem"])));
72 note "setting up TSA test directory";
75 $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = srctop_file("test", "CAtsa.cnf");
76 # Because that's what ../apps/CA.pl really looks at
78 $ENV{OPENSSL} = cmdstr(app(["openssl"]));
79 $testtsa = srctop_file("test", "recipes", "80-test_tsa.t");
80 $CAtsa = srctop_file("test", "CAtsa.cnf");
83 $ENV{TSDNSECT} = "ts_ca_dn";
85 unless ok(run(app(["openssl", "req", "-new", "-x509", "-nodes",
86 "-out", "tsaca.pem", "-keyout", "tsacakey.pem"])),
87 'creating a new CA for the TSA tests');
90 unless subtest 'creating tsa_cert1.pem TSA server cert' => sub {
91 create_tsa_cert("1", "tsa_cert")
95 unless subtest 'creating tsa_cert2.pem non-TSA server cert' => sub {
96 create_tsa_cert("2", "non_tsa_cert")
100 unless ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-data", $testtsa,
101 "-policy", "tsa_policy1", "-cert",
102 "-out", "req1.tsq"])),
103 'creating req1.req time stamp request for file testtsa');
105 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-in", "req1.tsq", "-text"])),
106 'printing req1.req');
108 subtest 'generating valid response for req1.req' => sub {
109 create_time_stamp_response("req1.tsq", "resp1.tsr", "tsa_config1")
112 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "resp1.tsr", "-text"])),
113 'printing response');
115 subtest 'verifying valid response' => sub {
116 verify_time_stamp_response("req1.tsq", "resp1.tsr", $testtsa)
120 unless subtest 'verifying valid token' => sub {
121 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "resp1.tsr",
122 "-out", "resp1.tsr.token", "-token_out"])));
123 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-verify", "-queryfile", "req1.tsq",
124 "-in", "resp1.tsr.token", "-token_in",
125 "-CAfile", "tsaca.pem",
126 "-untrusted", "tsa_cert1.pem"])));
127 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-verify", "-data", $testtsa,
128 "-in", "resp1.tsr.token", "-token_in",
129 "-CAfile", "tsaca.pem",
130 "-untrusted", "tsa_cert1.pem"])));
134 unless ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-data", $testtsa,
135 "-policy", "tsa_policy2", "-no_nonce",
136 "-out", "req2.tsq"])),
137 'creating req2.req time stamp request for file testtsa');
139 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-in", "req2.tsq", "-text"])),
140 'printing req2.req');
143 unless subtest 'generating valid response for req2.req' => sub {
144 create_time_stamp_response("req2.tsq", "resp2.tsr", "tsa_config1")
148 unless subtest 'checking -token_in and -token_out options with -reply' => sub {
149 my $RESPONSE2="resp2.tsr.copy.tsr";
150 my $TOKEN_DER="resp2.tsr.token.der";
152 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "resp2.tsr",
153 "-out", "$TOKEN_DER", "-token_out"])));
154 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "$TOKEN_DER",
155 "-token_in", "-out", "$RESPONSE2"])));
156 is(compare($RESPONSE2, "resp2.tsr"), 0);
157 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "resp2.tsr",
158 "-text", "-token_out"])));
159 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "$TOKEN_DER",
160 "-token_in", "-text", "-token_out"])));
161 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-queryfile", "req2.tsq",
162 "-text", "-token_out"])));
165 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-reply", "-in", "resp2.tsr", "-text"])),
166 'printing response');
168 subtest 'verifying valid response' => sub {
169 verify_time_stamp_response("req2.tsq", "resp2.tsr", $testtsa)
172 subtest 'verifying response against wrong request, it should fail' => sub {
173 verify_time_stamp_response_fail("req1.tsq", "resp2.tsr")
176 subtest 'verifying response against wrong request, it should fail' => sub {
177 verify_time_stamp_response_fail("req2.tsq", "resp1.tsr")
181 unless ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-data", $CAtsa,
182 "-no_nonce", "-out", "req3.tsq"])),
183 "creating req3.req time stamp request for file CAtsa.cnf");
185 ok(run(app([@RUN, "-query", "-in", "req3.tsq", "-text"])),
186 'printing req3.req');
188 subtest 'verifying response against wrong request, it should fail' => sub {
189 verify_time_stamp_response_fail("req3.tsq", "resp1.tsr")
192 }, create => 1, cleanup => 1