Update translations
[oweals/peertube.git] / client / src / locale / target / angular_pt_BR.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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5     <body>
6       <trans-unit id="17a9d3860d9ad593dd09a9f934e03999d9e76a7a">
7         <source>
8             Cancel
9           </source>
10         <target>
11             Cancelar
12           </target>
13         <context-group name="null">
14           <context context-type="linenumber">45</context>
15         </context-group>
16       </trans-unit>
17       <trans-unit id="9d5f16f0233b39fa2cd843321407a7358c323ad8">
18         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views</source>
19         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> visualizações</target>
20         <context-group name="null">
21           <context context-type="linenumber">34</context>
22         </context-group>
23       </trans-unit>
24       <trans-unit id="28f86ffd419b869711aa13f5e5ff54be6d70731c">
25         <source>Edit</source>
26         <target>Editar</target>
27         <context-group name="null">
28           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
29         </context-group>
30       </trans-unit>
31       <trans-unit id="961a134583d6256df39fbc520d020ebc48e3128d">
32         <source>Truncated preview</source>
33         <target>Pré-visualização truncada</target>
34         <context-group name="null">
35           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
36         </context-group>
37       </trans-unit>
38       <trans-unit id="f82f53a2544638939a8ba93c0fb1b0a4419c3196">
39         <source>Complete preview</source>
40         <target>Pré-visualização completa</target>
41         <context-group name="null">
42           <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
43         </context-group>
44       </trans-unit>
45       <trans-unit id="9c71feb04c2beab559f79c41c6127815fb9c1a6f">
46         <source>Get help</source>
47         <target>Obter ajuda</target>
48         <context-group name="null">
49           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
50         </context-group>
51       </trans-unit>
52       <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
53         <source>
54     Login
55   </source>
56         <target>
57     Iniciar sessão
58   </target>
59         <context-group name="null">
60           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
61         </context-group>
62       </trans-unit>
63       <trans-unit id="e08a77594f3d89311cdf6da5090044270909c194">
64         <source>User</source>
65         <target>Usuário</target>
66         <context-group name="null">
67           <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
68         </context-group>
69       </trans-unit>
70       <trans-unit id="51ef29329faccb28d94369897068897d1b3d0478">
71         <source>Username or email address</source>
72         <target>Nome de usuário ou endereço de e-mail</target>
73         <context-group name="null">
74           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
75         </context-group>
76       </trans-unit>
77       <trans-unit id="02c4360c2d956e74ed6bb1f71e86812af0e19b87">
78         <source>
79           or create an account
80         </source>
81         <target>
82           ou crie uma conta
83         </target>
84         <context-group name="null">
85           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
86         </context-group>
87       </trans-unit>
88       <trans-unit id="d6290381021b16febc426d3e3a52dda83991ce0b">
89         <source>
90           or create an account on another instance
91         </source>
92         <target>
93           ou crie uma conta em outra instância
94         </target>
95         <context-group name="null">
96           <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
97         </context-group>
98       </trans-unit>
99       <trans-unit id="76e1f485e6ead4c84b606f46d413878881d66ad3">
100         <source>User registration is not allowed on this instance, but you can register on many others!</source>
101         <target>Registro de novos usuários não está permitida nesta instância, porém você pode registrar em muitas outras!</target>
102         <context-group name="null">
103           <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
104         </context-group>
105       </trans-unit>
106       <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
107         <source>Password</source>
108         <target>Senha</target>
109         <context-group name="null">
110           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
111         </context-group>
112       </trans-unit>
113       <trans-unit id="b87e81682959464211443afc3e23c506865d2eda">
114         <source>I forgot my password</source>
115         <target>Esqueci minha senha</target>
116         <context-group name="null">
117           <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
118         </context-group>
119       </trans-unit>
120       <trans-unit id="d2eb6c5d41f70d4b8c0937e7e19e196143b47681">
121         <source>Forgot your password</source>
122         <target>Esqueceu sua senha</target>
123         <context-group name="null">
124           <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
125         </context-group>
126       </trans-unit>
127       <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
128         <source>Email</source>
129         <target>E-mail</target>
130         <context-group name="null">
131           <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
132         </context-group>
133       </trans-unit>
134       <trans-unit id="69b6ac577a19acc39fc0c22342092f327fff2529">
135         <source>Email address</source>
136         <target>Endereço de e-mail</target>
137         <context-group name="null">
138           <context context-type="linenumber">66</context>
139         </context-group>
140       </trans-unit>
141       <trans-unit id="78be69e4d26b3b654c49962839d8545e61bf8b55">
142         <source>Send me an email to reset my password</source>
143         <target>Me envie um e-mail para redefinir minha senha</target>
144         <context-group name="null">
145           <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
146         </context-group>
147       </trans-unit>
148       <trans-unit id="2ba14c37f3b23553b2602c5e535d0ff4916f24aa">
149         <source>
150     Reset my password
151   </source>
152         <target>
153     Redefinir minha senha
154   </target>
155         <context-group name="null">
156           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
157         </context-group>
158       </trans-unit>
159       <trans-unit id="7f3bdcce4b2e8c37cd7f0f6c92ef8cff34b039b8">
160         <source>Confirm password</source>
161         <target>Confirme a senha</target>
162         <context-group name="null">
163           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
164         </context-group>
165       </trans-unit>
166       <trans-unit id="3652e5c6e33165264d5271d06cc04ab7123b6df1">
167         <source>Confirmed password</source>
168         <target>Senha confirmada</target>
169         <context-group name="null">
170           <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
171         </context-group>
172       </trans-unit>
173       <trans-unit id="8bdf8db5eeeaef83184b489b80c1557b516fb3c3">
174         <source>Reset my password</source>
175         <target>Redefinir minha senha</target>
176         <context-group name="null">
177           <context context-type="linenumber">29</context>
178         </context-group>
179       </trans-unit>
180       <trans-unit id="4499806949402133d08a5029cb5462c5ea25336d">
181         <source>
182     Create an account
183   </source>
184         <target>
185     Criar conta
186   </target>
187         <context-group name="null">
188           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
189         </context-group>
190       </trans-unit>
191       <trans-unit id="a6807b834e01ce165aa61fad157b0ff4288b6bf1">
192         <source>Initial video quota:</source>
193         <target>Cota de vídeo inicial:</target>
194         <context-group name="null">
195           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
196         </context-group>
197       </trans-unit>
198       <trans-unit id="87b6b2c26215c5e712d3bfe4cc86ba53bc23451c">
199         <source>
200       Unlimited
201     </source>
202         <target>
203       Ilimitada
204     </target>
205         <context-group name="null">
206           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
207         </context-group>
208       </trans-unit>
209       <trans-unit id="08c74dc9762957593b91f6eb5d65efdfc975bf48">
210         <source>Username</source>
211         <target>Nome de usuário</target>
212         <context-group name="null">
213           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
214         </context-group>
215       </trans-unit>
216       <trans-unit id="717a5e3574fec754fbeb348c2d5561c4d81facc4">
217         <source>Signup</source>
218         <target>Inscrever-se</target>
219         <context-group name="null">
220           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
221         </context-group>
222       </trans-unit>
223       <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
224         <source>Change the language</source>
225         <target>Alterar o idioma</target>
226         <context-group name="null">
227           <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
228         </context-group>
229       </trans-unit>
230       <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
231         <source>
232                My public profile
233               </source>
234         <target>
235                Meu perfil público
236               </target>
237         <context-group name="null">
238           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
239         </context-group>
240       </trans-unit>
241       <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
242         <source>
243                 My account
244               </source>
245         <target>
246                 Minha conta
247               </target>
248         <context-group name="null">
249           <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
250         </context-group>
251       </trans-unit>
252       <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
253         <source>
254                 Log out
255               </source>
256         <target>
257                 Sair
258               </target>
259         <context-group name="null">
260           <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
261         </context-group>
262       </trans-unit>
263       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
264         <source>Login</source>
265         <target>Entrar</target>
266         <context-group name="null">
267           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
268         </context-group>
269       </trans-unit>
270       <trans-unit id="d207cc1965ec0c29e594e0e9917f39bfc276ed87">
271         <source>Create an account</source>
272         <target>Criar uma conta</target>
273         <context-group name="null">
274           <context context-type="linenumber">37</context>
275         </context-group>
276       </trans-unit>
277       <trans-unit id="a52dae09be10ca3a65da918533ced3d3f4992238">
278         <source>Videos</source>
279         <target>Vídeos</target>
280         <context-group name="null">
281           <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
282         </context-group>
283       </trans-unit>
284       <trans-unit id="b6b7986bc3721ac483baf20bc9a320529075c807">
285         <source>Trending</source>
286         <target>Tendências</target>
287         <context-group name="null">
288           <context context-type="linenumber">45</context>
289         </context-group>
290       </trans-unit>
291       <trans-unit id="8d20c5f5dd30acbe71316544dab774393fd9c3c1">
292         <source>Recently added</source>
293         <target>Adicionado recentemente</target>
294         <context-group name="null">
295           <context context-type="linenumber">50</context>
296         </context-group>
297       </trans-unit>
298       <trans-unit id="eadc17c3df80143992e2d9028dead3199ae6d79d">
299         <source>Local</source>
300         <target>Local</target>
301         <context-group name="null">
302           <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
303         </context-group>
304       </trans-unit>
305       <trans-unit id="b7648e7aced164498aa843b5c4e8f2f1c36a7919">
306         <source>Administration</source>
307         <target>Administração</target>
308         <context-group name="null">
309           <context context-type="linenumber">64</context>
310         </context-group>
311       </trans-unit>
312       <trans-unit id="004b222ff9ef9dd4771b777950ca1d0e4cd4348a">
313         <source>About</source>
314         <target>Sobre</target>
315         <context-group name="null">
316           <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
317         </context-group>
318       </trans-unit>
319       <trans-unit id="8aa58cf00d949c509df91c621ab38131df0a7599">
320         <source>Search...</source>
321         <target>Pesquisar...</target>
322         <context-group name="null">
323           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
324         </context-group>
325       </trans-unit>
326       <trans-unit id="4b3972c3e9485218508a95f7a4ce7758e3f09ced">
327         <source>Upload</source>
328         <target>Carregar</target>
329         <context-group name="null">
330           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
331         </context-group>
332       </trans-unit>
333       <trans-unit id="c31161d1661884f54fbc5635aad5ce8d4803897e">
334         <source>No results.</source>
335         <target>Nenhum resultado.</target>
336         <context-group name="null">
337           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
338         </context-group>
339       </trans-unit>
340       <trans-unit id="ff78f059449d44322f627d0f66df07abe476962b">
341         <source>Instance</source>
342         <target>Instância</target>
343         <context-group name="null">
344           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
345         </context-group>
346       </trans-unit>
347       <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
348         <source>PeerTube</source>
349         <target>PeerTube</target>
350         <context-group name="null">
351           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
352         </context-group>
353       </trans-unit>
354       <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
355         <source>
356   About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
357 </source>
358         <target>
359   Sobre a instância <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/>
360 </target>
361         <context-group name="null">
362           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
363         </context-group>
364       </trans-unit>
365       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
366         <source>Description</source>
367         <target>Descrição</target>
368         <context-group name="null">
369           <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
370         </context-group>
371       </trans-unit>
372       <trans-unit id="69580f2c2dbf4edf7096820ba8c393367352d774">
373         <source>Terms</source>
374         <target>Termos</target>
375         <context-group name="null">
376           <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
377         </context-group>
378       </trans-unit>
379       <trans-unit id="9c6e6db693ab265457c6578df179c65694141d27">
380         <source>User registration is allowed and</source>
381         <target>Registro de usuários não está permitida e</target>
382         <context-group name="null">
383           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
384         </context-group>
385       </trans-unit>
386       <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
387         <source>
388       this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
389     </source>
390         <target>
391       esta instância fornece uma cota base de <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> espaço para os vídeos de seus usuários.
392     </target>
393         <context-group name="null">
394           <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
395         </context-group>
396       </trans-unit>
397       <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
398         <source>
399       this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
400     </source>
401         <target>
402       esta instância fornece espaço ilimitado para os vídeos de seus usuários.
403     </target>
404         <context-group name="null">
405           <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
406         </context-group>
407       </trans-unit>
408       <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
409         <source>
410     User registration is currently not allowed.
411   </source>
412         <target>
413     Registro de usuários atualmente não está permitido.
414   </target>
415         <context-group name="null">
416           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
417         </context-group>
418       </trans-unit>
419       <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
420         <source>
421   About PeerTube
422 </source>
423         <target>
424   Sobre PeerTube
425 </target>
426         <context-group name="null">
427           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
428         </context-group>
429       </trans-unit>
430       <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
431         <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
432         <target>PeerTube é uma plataforma federada (ActivityPub) de transmissão de vídeo que utiliza P2P (WebTorrent) diretamente no browser.</target>
433         <context-group name="null">
434           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
435         </context-group>
436       </trans-unit>
437       <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
438         <source>
439     It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
440   </source>
441         <target>
442     Este é um software livre, sob a <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>licença AGPLv3<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
443   </target>
444         <context-group name="null">
445           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
446         </context-group>
447       </trans-unit>
448       <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
449         <source>
450     For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>joinpeertube.org<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
451   </source>
452         <target>
453     Para mais informações por favor visite <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>joinpeertube.org<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
454   </target>
455         <context-group name="null">
456           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
457         </context-group>
458       </trans-unit>
459       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
460         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
461         <target>P2P &amp; Privacidade</target>
462         <context-group name="null">
463           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
464         </context-group>
465       </trans-unit>
466       <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
467         <source>
468     PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
469     This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
470   </source>
471         <target>
472     PeerTube utiliza o protocolo BitTorrent para compartilhar a banda de Internet entre os usuários.
473     Isso significa que seu endereço IP é armazenado no rastreador BitTorrent da instância enquanto você baixa ou assiste o vídeo.
474   </target>
475         <context-group name="null">
476           <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
477         </context-group>
478       </trans-unit>
479       <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
480         <source>What are the consequences?</source>
481         <target>Quais são as consequências?</target>
482         <context-group name="null">
483           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
484         </context-group>
485       </trans-unit>
486       <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
487         <source>
488     In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
489     In practice, this is much more difficult because:
490   </source>
491         <target>
492     Em teoria, alguém com conhecimentos técnicos suficientes poderia criar um script para rastrear qual IP está baixando qual vídeo.
493     Na prática, isto é muito mais difícil porque:
494   </target>
495         <context-group name="null">
496           <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
497         </context-group>
498       </trans-unit>
499       <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
500         <source>
501       An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
502       If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
503     </source>
504         <target>
505       Uma requisição HTTP precisa ser enviada para cada rastreador de cada vídeo a ser espionado.
506       Se quizermos espionar todos os vídeos do PeerTube, nós temos que enviar tantas requisições quanto vídeos existentes (então muitas, potencialmente)
507     </target>
508         <context-group name="null">
509           <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
510         </context-group>
511       </trans-unit>
512       <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
513         <source>
514       For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
515       For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
516     </source>
517         <target>
518       Para cada requisição enviada, o rastreador retorna pares aleatórios até um número limite.
519       Por exemplo, se existem 1000 pares na multidão e o rastreador envia apenas 20 pares para cada requisição, devem existir pelo menos 50 requisições enviadas para conhecer todos os nós na multidão.
520     </target>
521         <context-group name="null">
522           <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
523         </context-group>
524       </trans-unit>
525       <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
526         <source>
527       Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
528     </source>
529         <target>
530       Aquelas requisições precisam ser enviadas regularmente para saber quem iniciou/parou de assistir um vídeo. É fácil detectar aquele tipo de comportamento
531     </target>
532         <context-group name="null">
533           <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
534         </context-group>
535       </trans-unit>
536       <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
537         <source>
538       If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
539     </source>
540         <target>
541       Se um endereço IP é armazenado em um rastreador isto não significa que a pessoa por trás do IP (se esta pessoa existe) assistiu o vídeo
542     </target>
543         <context-group name="null">
544           <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
545         </context-group>
546       </trans-unit>
547       <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
548         <source>
549       The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
550     </source>
551         <target>
552       O endereço IP é uma informação vaga : usualmente ele muda e pode representar muitas pessoas ou entidades
553     </target>
554         <context-group name="null">
555           <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
556         </context-group>
557       </trans-unit>
558       <trans-unit id="50d8e8388f5ceab292850ed828f306c9f2cab389">
559         <source>
560     The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
561     There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
562   </source>
563         <target>
564     O cenário de pior caso de uma pessoa comum espionando seus amigos é muito improvável.
565     Existem meios mais efetivos de obtenção daquele tipo de informação.
566   </target>
567         <context-group name="null">
568           <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
569         </context-group>
570       </trans-unit>
571       <trans-unit id="2432705cbabcb92a8677338901dd5d655383ef4c">
572         <source>
573     The threats to privacy in YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
574     In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
575     Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
576   </source>
577         <target>
578     As ameaças à privacidade no YouTube são diferentes às do PeerTube.
579     No caso do YouTube, a plataforma coleta uma grande quantidade dos seus dados pessoais (não apenas seu IP) para analizá-los e rastrear você.
580     Além disso, YouTube é propriedade do Google/Alphabet, uma empresa que rastreia você através de muitos sítios (via AdSense ou Google Analytics).
581   </target>
582         <context-group name="null">
583           <context context-type="linenumber">69</context>
584         </context-group>
585       </trans-unit>
586       <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
587         <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
588         <target>O que eu posso fazer para restringir a exposição do meu endereço IP?</target>
589         <context-group name="null">
590           <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
591         </context-group>
592       </trans-unit>
593       <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
594         <source>
595     Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
596     PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
597     Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
598   </source>
599         <target>
600     Seu endereço IP é público por isso toda vez que você consulta um sítio web existe um número de atores (além do sítio web destino) visualizando seu IP nos seus logs de conexão: ISP/roteadores/rastreadores/CDN e outros.
601     PeerTube é transparente quanto a isso: nós lhe avisamos que se você desejar manter privado o seu endereço IP, você deve utilizar uma VPN ou o Navegador Tor.
602     Imaginar que removendo o P2P do PeerTube lhe devolverá a anonimidade, não faz sentido.
603   </target>
604         <context-group name="null">
605           <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
606         </context-group>
607       </trans-unit>
608       <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
609         <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
610         <target>O que será feito para mitigar o problema?</target>
611         <context-group name="null">
612           <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
613         </context-group>
614       </trans-unit>
615       <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
616         <source>
617     PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
618     In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
619   </source>
620         <target>
621     PeerTube está apenas em versão beta, e deseja entregar as melhores contramedidas possíveis enquanto a versão estável é disponibilizada.
622     Enquanto isso, queremos testar diferentes ideias relacionadas a essa questão:
623   </target>
624         <context-group name="null">
625           <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
626         </context-group>
627       </trans-unit>
628       <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
629         <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
630         <target>Defina um limite para o número de pares enviados pelo rastreador</target>
631         <context-group name="null">
632           <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
633         </context-group>
634       </trans-unit>
635       <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
636         <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
637         <target>Defina um limite para a frequência de requisições recebidas pelo rastreador (sendo testado)</target>
638         <context-group name="null">
639           <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
640         </context-group>
641       </trans-unit>
642       <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
643         <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
644         <target>Tocar um som se houverem requisições incomuns (em teste)</target>
645         <context-group name="null">
646           <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
647         </context-group>
648       </trans-unit>
649       <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
650         <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
651         <target>Desabilite P2P a partir da interface de administração</target>
652         <context-group name="null">
653           <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
654         </context-group>
655       </trans-unit>
656       <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
657         <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
658         <target>Um programa de redundância automática de vídeos: nós não saberíamos se o IP baixou o vídeo de propósito ou se isso foi o programa automatizado</target>
659         <context-group name="null">
660           <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
661         </context-group>
662       </trans-unit>
663       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
664         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
665         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> inscritos</target>
666         <context-group name="null">
667           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
668         </context-group>
669       </trans-unit>
670       <trans-unit id="6f5a458f827503ac7b8697688ecf3e0490818ee8">
671         <source>Video channels</source>
672         <target>Canais de vídeo</target>
673         <context-group name="null">
674           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
675         </context-group>
676       </trans-unit>
677       <trans-unit id="299f97b8ee9c62d45f2cc01961aa1e5101d6d05a">
678         <source>Stats</source>
679         <target>Estatísticas</target>
680         <context-group name="null">
681           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
682         </context-group>
683       </trans-unit>
684       <trans-unit id="8bc634cd9d8c9b684dbfaaf17a522f894bedbffc">
685         <source>Joined <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></source>
686         <target>Ingressou <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></target>
687         <context-group name="null">
688           <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
689         </context-group>
690       </trans-unit>
691       <trans-unit id="8fef247fd0c5bf790151f7661cafc4b7fd0397f3">
692         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
693         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> inscritos</target>
694         <context-group name="null">
695           <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
696         </context-group>
697       </trans-unit>
698       <trans-unit id="f36bd6a1570cb9b0a5023870f35160957cad2a8f">
699         <source>See this video channel</source>
700         <target>Veja este canal de vídeo</target>
701         <context-group name="null">
702           <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
703         </context-group>
704       </trans-unit>
705       <trans-unit id="cff1428d10d59d14e45edec3c735a27b5482db59">
706         <source>Name</source>
707         <target>Nome</target>
708         <context-group name="null">
709           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
710         </context-group>
711       </trans-unit>
712       <trans-unit id="512b045163a7187b2fc5d554e5f59fb3e49e174b">
713         <source>Short description</source>
714         <target>Descrição curta</target>
715         <context-group name="null">
716           <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
717         </context-group>
718       </trans-unit>
719       <trans-unit id="554488d11165f38b27b8fe230aba8a2e30d57003">
720         <source>Default client route</source>
721         <target>Rota padrão do cliente</target>
722         <context-group name="null">
723           <context context-type="linenumber">54</context>
724         </context-group>
725       </trans-unit>
726       <trans-unit id="1cbeb1eb589bfbe5efce94184cacd3095ca26948">
727         <source>Videos Trending</source>
728         <target>Vídeos em Tendência</target>
729         <context-group name="null">
730           <context context-type="linenumber">57</context>
731         </context-group>
732       </trans-unit>
733       <trans-unit id="1861c96217213992e02dcb77e15ea69e718c9883">
734         <source>Videos Recently Added</source>
735         <target>Vídeos Adicionados Recentemente</target>
736         <context-group name="null">
737           <context context-type="linenumber">58</context>
738         </context-group>
739       </trans-unit>
740       <trans-unit id="b6307f83d9f43bff8d5129a7888e89964ddc3f7f">
741         <source>Local videos</source>
742         <target>Vídeos locais</target>
743         <context-group name="null">
744           <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
745         </context-group>
746       </trans-unit>
747       <trans-unit id="8551afadb69b3fef89e191f507e8ac84e624e8b9">
748         <source>Policy on videos containing sensitive content</source>
749         <target>Política sobre vídeos que possuem conteúdo sensível</target>
750         <context-group name="null">
751           <context context-type="linenumber">68</context>
752         </context-group>
753       </trans-unit>
754       <trans-unit id="aa3ef567a1ea22c1e4d0acfdc8f80bc636bf12df">
755         <source>With &lt;strong&gt;Do not list&lt;/strong&gt; or &lt;strong&gt;Blur thumbnails&lt;/strong&gt;, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.</source>
756         <target>Com &lt;strong&gt;Não listar&lt;/strong&gt; ou &lt;strong&gt;Desfocar miniaturas&lt;/strong&gt;, uma confirmação será requisitada para assistir o vídeo.</target>
757         <context-group name="null">
758           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
759         </context-group>
760       </trans-unit>
761       <trans-unit id="5e155c34fb3ed8159bf0a486a366cfbc6874f9fe">
762         <source>Do not list</source>
763         <target>Não listar</target>
764         <context-group name="null">
765           <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
766         </context-group>
767       </trans-unit>
768       <trans-unit id="aaa900149c2ca1575ac1918d1ded33fb69830ab2">
769         <source>Blur thumbnails</source>
770         <target>Desfocar miniaturas</target>
771         <context-group name="null">
772           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
773         </context-group>
774       </trans-unit>
775       <trans-unit id="010d24ef3c43b2d8f45a4d6cba7d73e12ee1557e">
776         <source>Display</source>
777         <target>Exibição</target>
778         <context-group name="null">
779           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
780         </context-group>
781       </trans-unit>
782       <trans-unit id="ca53e66e68986546b7ef820c934145fd7c9c4247">
783         <source>Signup enabled</source>
784         <target>Inscrição permitida</target>
785         <context-group name="null">
786           <context context-type="linenumber">90</context>
787         </context-group>
788       </trans-unit>
789       <trans-unit id="68bda70e0dd4f7f91549462e55f1b2a1602d8402">
790         <source>Signup limit</source>
791         <target>Limite de inscrições</target>
792         <context-group name="null">
793           <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
794         </context-group>
795       </trans-unit>
796       <trans-unit id="ca2283fc765b9f44b69f0175d685dc2443da6011">
797         <source>Administrator</source>
798         <target>Administrador</target>
799         <context-group name="null">
800           <context context-type="linenumber">104</context>
801         </context-group>
802       </trans-unit>
803       <trans-unit id="55a0f51e38679d3141841e8333da5779d349c587">
804         <source>Admin email</source>
805         <target>Email de administrador</target>
806         <context-group name="null">
807           <context context-type="linenumber">107</context>
808         </context-group>
809       </trans-unit>
810       <trans-unit id="4d13a9cd5ed3dcee0eab22cb25198d43886942be">
811         <source>Users</source>
812         <target>Usuários</target>
813         <context-group name="null">
814           <context context-type="linenumber">117</context>
815         </context-group>
816       </trans-unit>
817       <trans-unit id="31b3275d999af45fe64c6824e6e017d2e2704f09">
818         <source>User default video quota</source>
819         <target>Cota padrão de vídeos do usuário</target>
820         <context-group name="null">
821           <context context-type="linenumber">120</context>
822         </context-group>
823       </trans-unit>
824       <trans-unit id="50247a2f9711ea9e9a85aacc46668131e9b424a5">
825         <source>Basic configuration</source>
826         <target>Configurações básicas</target>
827         <context-group name="null">
828           <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
829         </context-group>
830       </trans-unit>
831       <trans-unit id="99cb827741e93125476a0f5b676372d85d15b5fc">
832         <source>Twitter</source>
833         <target>Twitter</target>
834         <context-group name="null">
835           <context context-type="linenumber">136</context>
836         </context-group>
837       </trans-unit>
838       <trans-unit id="7fdb41bbf2ee042ec5f68725a1c16a1c97f3e524">
839         <source>Your Twitter username</source>
840         <target>Seu nome de usuário no Twitter</target>
841         <context-group name="null">
842           <context context-type="linenumber">139</context>
843         </context-group>
844       </trans-unit>
845       <trans-unit id="6e671e839ca889feef0d8ed525d1a44b4b10870c">
846         <source>Indicates the Twitter account for the website or platform on which the content was published.</source>
847         <target>Indica a conta Twitter do sítio web ou plataforma em que o conteúdo foi publicado.</target>
848         <context-group name="null">
849           <context context-type="linenumber">142</context>
850         </context-group>
851       </trans-unit>
852       <trans-unit id="c0716c28b9d4c9e0b2fd6031334394214e5f9605">
853         <source>Instance whitelisted by Twitter</source>
854         <target>Instância listada como permitida pelo Twitter</target>
855         <context-group name="null">
856           <context context-type="linenumber">155</context>
857         </context-group>
858       </trans-unit>
859       <trans-unit id="3f008a1a07ca42c6ad258fde1bbd80ed74ada19b">
860         <source>If your instance is whitelisted by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.&lt;br /&gt;
861 If the instance is not whitelisted, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
862 Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on &lt;a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator'&gt;https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator&lt;/a&gt; to see if you instance is whitelisted.</source>
863         <target>Se a sua instância está listada como permitida pelo Twitter, um player de vídeo será embutido no feed do Twitter no compartilhador do vídeo do PeerTube.&lt;br /&gt;
864 Se a instância não está listada como permitida, nós utilizamos um cartão de imagem com link que redirecionará à sua instância PeerTube.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
865 Marque esta opção, salve as configurações e teste com uma URL de vídeo da sua instância (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) em &lt;a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator'&gt;https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator&lt;/a&gt; para ver se sua instância está listada como permitida.</target>
866         <context-group name="null">
867           <context context-type="linenumber">156</context>
868         </context-group>
869       </trans-unit>
870       <trans-unit id="419d940613972cc3fae9c8ea0a4306dbf80616e5">
871         <source>Services</source>
872         <target>Serviços</target>
873         <context-group name="null">
874           <context context-type="linenumber">134</context>
875         </context-group>
876       </trans-unit>
877       <trans-unit id="fe22d2c0020e913ee4b75ec22a3abc8814810490">
878         <source>Transcoding</source>
879         <target>Transcodificação</target>
880         <context-group name="null">
881           <context context-type="linenumber">164</context>
882         </context-group>
883       </trans-unit>
884       <trans-unit id="fca29003c4ea1226ff8cbee89481758aab0e2be9">
885         <source>Transcoding enabled</source>
886         <target>Transcodificação ativada</target>
887         <context-group name="null">
888           <context context-type="linenumber">168</context>
889         </context-group>
890       </trans-unit>
891       <trans-unit id="6ef2ab819d4441fa8bddf6759b6936783d06616f">
892         <source>If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!</source>
893         <target>Se você desativar a transcodificação, muitos vídeos dos seus usuários não funcionarão!</target>
894         <context-group name="null">
895           <context context-type="linenumber">169</context>
896         </context-group>
897       </trans-unit>
898       <trans-unit id="a33feadefbb776217c2db96100736314f8b765c2">
899         <source>Transcoding threads</source>
900         <target>Threads de transcodificação</target>
901         <context-group name="null">
902           <context context-type="linenumber">175</context>
903         </context-group>
904       </trans-unit>
905       <trans-unit id="d00f6c2dcb426440a0a8cd8eec12d094fbfaf6f7">
906         <source>Previews cache size</source>
907         <target>Tamanho do cache de previsualizações</target>
908         <context-group name="null">
909           <context context-type="linenumber">207</context>
910         </context-group>
911       </trans-unit>
912       <trans-unit id="e3a65df2560e99864bbde695da3a7bdf743a184c">
913         <source>Customizations</source>
914         <target>Personalizações</target>
915         <context-group name="null">
916           <context context-type="linenumber">228</context>
917         </context-group>
918       </trans-unit>
919       <trans-unit id="0da9752916950ce6890d897b835c923a71ad9c5c">
920         <source>JavaScript</source>
921         <target>JavaScript</target>
922         <context-group name="null">
923           <context context-type="linenumber">231</context>
924         </context-group>
925       </trans-unit>
926       <trans-unit id="fda2339a6e6ba017ee43b560caf660ed4022333c">
927         <source>Write directly JavaScript code.&lt;br /&gt;Example: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('my instance is amazing');&lt;/pre&gt;</source>
928         <target>Escreva diretamente código JavaScript.&lt;br /&gt;Exemplo: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('minha instância é demais');&lt;/pre&gt;</target>
929         <context-group name="null">
930           <context context-type="linenumber">234</context>
931         </context-group>
932       </trans-unit>
933       <trans-unit id="f133b08d6519081bfb8ef51cff4bf2b3af23dde6">
934         <source>
935               Write directly CSS code. Example:&lt;br /&gt;
936               &lt;pre&gt;
937     body <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
938       background-color: red;
939     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
940               &lt;/pre&gt;
942               Prepend with &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; to override styles. Example:
943               &lt;pre&gt;
944     #custom-css .logged-in-email <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
945       color: red;
946     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
947               &lt;/pre&gt;
948             </source>
949         <target>
950               Escreva código CSS diretamente. Exemplo:&lt;br /&gt;
951               &lt;pre&gt;
952     body <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
953       background-color: red;
954     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
955               &lt;/pre&gt;
957               Prefixe com &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; para sobrescrever estilos. Exemplo:
958               &lt;pre&gt;
959     #custom-css .logged-in-email <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
960       color: red;
961     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
962               &lt;/pre&gt;
963             </target>
964         <context-group name="null">
965           <context context-type="linenumber">250</context>
966         </context-group>
967       </trans-unit>
968       <trans-unit id="6c44844ebdb7352c433b7734feaa65f01bb594ab">
969         <source>Advanced configuration</source>
970         <target>Configurações avançadas</target>
971         <context-group name="null">
972           <context context-type="linenumber">162</context>
973         </context-group>
974       </trans-unit>
975       <trans-unit id="dad5a5283e4c853c011a0f03d5a52310338bbff8">
976         <source>Update configuration</source>
977         <target>Atualizar configuração</target>
978         <context-group name="null">
979           <context context-type="linenumber">277</context>
980         </context-group>
981       </trans-unit>
982       <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
983         <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
984         <target>Aparentemente a configuração está valida. Por favor procure potenciais erros nas diferentes abas.</target>
985         <context-group name="null">
986           <context context-type="linenumber">278</context>
987         </context-group>
988       </trans-unit>
989       <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
990         <source>
991       Users
992     </source>
993         <target>
994       Usuários
995     </target>
996         <context-group name="null">
997           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
998         </context-group>
999       </trans-unit>
1000       <trans-unit id="0315abd64e35510ed0534f597130ef781aca175a">
1001         <source>
1002       Manage follows
1003     </source>
1004         <target>
1006     </target>
1007         <context-group name="null">
1008           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
1009         </context-group>
1010       </trans-unit>
1011       <trans-unit id="96ccede058f0022f34230c3adc09e60076b6d037">
1012         <source>
1013       Video blacklist
1014     </source>
1015         <target>
1016       Lista de bloqueio de vídeos
1017     </target>
1018         <context-group name="null">
1019           <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
1020         </context-group>
1021       </trans-unit>
1022       <trans-unit id="7bea88c54fdccfdc9f687b0ffe9bf6a653d19368">
1023         <source>
1024       Jobs
1025     </source>
1026         <target>
1027       Empregos
1028     </target>
1029         <context-group name="null">
1030           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
1031         </context-group>
1032       </trans-unit>
1033       <trans-unit id="9c6ce37623b626a102002901ca12c37e7a3a7f13">
1034         <source>
1035       Configuration
1036     </source>
1037         <target>
1038       Configurações
1039     </target>
1040         <context-group name="null">
1041           <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
1042         </context-group>
1043       </trans-unit>
1044       <trans-unit id="4e8635c108375983b42229df44bda8c0af84f396">
1045         <source>1 host (without "http://") per line</source>
1046         <target>1 host (sem "http://") por linha</target>
1047         <context-group name="null">
1048           <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
1049         </context-group>
1050       </trans-unit>
1051       <trans-unit id="f7a7a00999ccbd126cbb8e74f5dd1724942dd507">
1052         <source>
1053     It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
1054   </source>
1055         <target>
1056     Aparentemente você não está em um servidor HTTPS. Seu sítio web necessita ter TLS ativado para possibilitar seguir servidores.
1057   </target>
1058         <context-group name="null">
1059           <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
1060         </context-group>
1061       </trans-unit>
1062       <trans-unit id="45cc8ca94b5a50842a9a8ef804a5ab089a38ae5c">
1063         <source>ID</source>
1064         <target>ID</target>
1065         <context-group name="null">
1066           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
1067         </context-group>
1068       </trans-unit>
1069       <trans-unit id="380e20a1e13d9489c69f6dbea7da19025ab6eb25">
1070         <source>Score</source>
1071         <target>Pontuação</target>
1072         <context-group name="null">
1073           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
1074         </context-group>
1075       </trans-unit>
1076       <trans-unit id="fe22ca53e651df951dac25b67c17894b0980f767">
1077         <source>Host</source>
1078         <target>Host</target>
1079         <context-group name="null">
1080           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
1081         </context-group>
1082       </trans-unit>
1083       <trans-unit id="873b72903b1858a9cd6c8967521030b4d7d1435b">
1084         <source>State</source>
1085         <target>Estado</target>
1086         <context-group name="null">
1087           <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
1088         </context-group>
1089       </trans-unit>
1090       <trans-unit id="ff3173170e5b03536dd3b3e1afbae1f55356eb1b">
1091         <source>Created <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></source>
1092         <target>Criado <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></target>
1093         <context-group name="null">
1094           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
1095         </context-group>
1096       </trans-unit>
1097       <trans-unit id="1bd571d8f3981f6043b0df3402cc3d97e0d7ad2a">
1098         <source>john</source>
1099         <target>josé</target>
1100         <context-group name="null">
1101           <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
1102         </context-group>
1103       </trans-unit>
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1105         <source>mail@example.com</source>
1106         <target>mail@exemplo.com</target>
1107         <context-group name="null">
1108           <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
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1111       <trans-unit id="c36a66f2107e8da5371ebc9d15c2008dff567f46">
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1113         <target>Papel</target>
1114         <context-group name="null">
1115           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
1116         </context-group>
1117       </trans-unit>
1118       <trans-unit id="15f046007e4fca2e8477966745e2ec4e3e81bc3b">
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1120         <target>Cota de vídeo</target>
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1133         <source>This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?</source>
1134         <target>Este vídeo possui conteúdo adulto ou explícito. Você tem certeza que deseja assistí-lo?</target>
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1137         </context-group>
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1142         <context-group name="null">
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