Update translations
[oweals/peertube.git] / client / src / locale / target / angular_gl_ES.xml
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6       <trans-unit id="1d19634967b06f93fd7f20c0663742f8254e6d46">
7         <source>(extensions: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ allowedExtensionsMessage }}"/>, max size: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxFileSize | bytes }}"/>)</source>
8         <target>(extensións: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ allowedExtensionsMessage }}"/>, tamaño máx.: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxFileSize | bytes }}"/>)</target>
9         <context-group name="null">
10           <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
11         </context-group>
12       </trans-unit>
13       <trans-unit id="9d5f16f0233b39fa2cd843321407a7358c323ad8">
14         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views</source>
15         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> visionados</target>
16         <context-group name="null">
17           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
18         </context-group>
19       </trans-unit>
20       <trans-unit id="28f86ffd419b869711aa13f5e5ff54be6d70731c">
21         <source>Edit</source>
22         <target>Editar</target>
23         <context-group name="null">
24           <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
25         </context-group>
26       </trans-unit>
27       <trans-unit id="961a134583d6256df39fbc520d020ebc48e3128d">
28         <source>Truncated preview</source>
29         <target>Vista previa recortada</target>
30         <context-group name="null">
31           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
32         </context-group>
33       </trans-unit>
34       <trans-unit id="f82f53a2544638939a8ba93c0fb1b0a4419c3196">
35         <source>Complete preview</source>
36         <target>Vista previa completa</target>
37         <context-group name="null">
38           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
39         </context-group>
40       </trans-unit>
41       <trans-unit id="9c71feb04c2beab559f79c41c6127815fb9c1a6f">
42         <source>Get help</source>
43         <target>Obter axuda</target>
44         <context-group name="null">
45           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
46         </context-group>
47       </trans-unit>
48       <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
49         <source>
50     Login
51   </source>
52         <target>
53     Conectar
54   </target>
55         <context-group name="null">
56           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
57         </context-group>
58       </trans-unit>
59       <trans-unit id="e08a77594f3d89311cdf6da5090044270909c194">
60         <source>User</source>
61         <target>Usuaria</target>
62         <context-group name="null">
63           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
64         </context-group>
65       </trans-unit>
66       <trans-unit id="51ef29329faccb28d94369897068897d1b3d0478">
67         <source>Username or email address</source>
68         <target>Nome de usuaria ou enderezo de correo</target>
69         <context-group name="null">
70           <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
71         </context-group>
72       </trans-unit>
73       <trans-unit id="02c4360c2d956e74ed6bb1f71e86812af0e19b87">
74         <source>
75           or create an account
76         </source>
77         <target>
78           ou crear unha conta
79         </target>
80         <context-group name="null">
81           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
82         </context-group>
83       </trans-unit>
84       <trans-unit id="d6290381021b16febc426d3e3a52dda83991ce0b">
85         <source>
86           or create an account on another instance
87         </source>
88         <target>
89           ou crear unha conta en outra instancia
90         </target>
91         <context-group name="null">
92           <context context-type="linenumber">22</context>
93         </context-group>
94       </trans-unit>
95       <trans-unit id="76e1f485e6ead4c84b606f46d413878881d66ad3">
96         <source>User registration is not allowed on this instance, but you can register on many others!</source>
97         <target>O rexistro de novas usuarias en esta instancia está desactivado, mais pode escoller entre moitas outras!</target>
98         <context-group name="null">
99           <context context-type="linenumber">28</context>
100         </context-group>
101       </trans-unit>
102       <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
103         <source>Password</source>
104         <target>Contrasinal</target>
105         <context-group name="null">
106           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
107         </context-group>
108       </trans-unit>
109       <trans-unit id="b87e81682959464211443afc3e23c506865d2eda">
110         <source>I forgot my password</source>
111         <target>Esquecín o contrasinal</target>
112         <context-group name="null">
113           <context context-type="linenumber">44</context>
114         </context-group>
115       </trans-unit>
116       <trans-unit id="d2eb6c5d41f70d4b8c0937e7e19e196143b47681">
117         <source>Forgot your password</source>
118         <target>Esqueceu o contrasinal</target>
119         <context-group name="null">
120           <context context-type="linenumber">57</context>
121         </context-group>
122       </trans-unit>
123       <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
124         <source>Email</source>
125         <target>Correo electrónico</target>
126         <context-group name="null">
127           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
128         </context-group>
129       </trans-unit>
130       <trans-unit id="69b6ac577a19acc39fc0c22342092f327fff2529">
131         <source>Email address</source>
132         <target>Enderezo de correo electrónico</target>
133         <context-group name="null">
134           <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
135         </context-group>
136       </trans-unit>
137       <trans-unit id="78be69e4d26b3b654c49962839d8545e61bf8b55">
138         <source>Send me an email to reset my password</source>
139         <target>Envíenme un correo para restablecer o contrasinal</target>
140         <context-group name="null">
141           <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
142         </context-group>
143       </trans-unit>
144       <trans-unit id="2ba14c37f3b23553b2602c5e535d0ff4916f24aa">
145         <source>
146     Reset my password
147   </source>
148         <target>
149     Restablecer contrasinal
150   </target>
151         <context-group name="null">
152           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
153         </context-group>
154       </trans-unit>
155       <trans-unit id="7f3bdcce4b2e8c37cd7f0f6c92ef8cff34b039b8">
156         <source>Confirm password</source>
157         <target>Confirmar contrasinal</target>
158         <context-group name="null">
159           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
160         </context-group>
161       </trans-unit>
162       <trans-unit id="3652e5c6e33165264d5271d06cc04ab7123b6df1">
163         <source>Confirmed password</source>
164         <target>Contrasinal confirmado</target>
165         <context-group name="null">
166           <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
167         </context-group>
168       </trans-unit>
169       <trans-unit id="8bdf8db5eeeaef83184b489b80c1557b516fb3c3">
170         <source>Reset my password</source>
171         <target>Restablecer contrasinal</target>
172         <context-group name="null">
173           <context context-type="linenumber">29</context>
174         </context-group>
175       </trans-unit>
176       <trans-unit id="4499806949402133d08a5029cb5462c5ea25336d">
177         <source>
178     Create an account
179   </source>
180         <target>
181     Crear unha conta
182   </target>
183         <context-group name="null">
184           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
185         </context-group>
186       </trans-unit>
187       <trans-unit id="08c74dc9762957593b91f6eb5d65efdfc975bf48">
188         <source>Username</source>
189         <target>Nome de usuaria</target>
190         <context-group name="null">
191           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
192         </context-group>
193       </trans-unit>
194       <trans-unit id="2ac776627e18565d7ae85cd7f4cd033bc5d0c88b">
195         <source>I have read and agree to the &lt;a href='/about/instance#terms-section' target='_blank'rel='noopener noreferrer'&gt;Terms&lt;/a&gt; of this instance</source>
196         <target>Lin e acepto os &lt;a href='/about/instance#terms-section' target='_blank'rel='noopener noreferrer'&gt;Termos&lt;/a&gt; de esta instancia</target>
197         <context-group name="null">
198           <context context-type="linenumber">54</context>
199         </context-group>
200       </trans-unit>
201       <trans-unit id="717a5e3574fec754fbeb348c2d5561c4d81facc4">
202         <source>Signup</source>
203         <target>Abrir conta</target>
204         <context-group name="null">
205           <context context-type="linenumber">88</context>
206         </context-group>
207       </trans-unit>
208       <trans-unit id="9167c6d3c4c3b74373cf1e90997e4966844ded1a">
209         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ pagination.totalItems | myNumberFormatter }}"/> results</source>
210         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ pagination.totalItems | myNumberFormatter }}"/> resultados</target>
211         <context-group name="null">
212           <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
213         </context-group>
214       </trans-unit>
215       <trans-unit id="4c3960fb1d9b07d1db3b5bda3ee40019211830dc">
216         <source>
217           for <x id="START_TAG_SPAN" ctype="x-span" equiv-text="&lt;span&gt;"/><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ currentSearch }}"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" ctype="x-span" equiv-text="&lt;/span&gt;"/>
218         </source>
219         <target>
220           for <x id="START_TAG_SPAN" ctype="x-span" equiv-text="&lt;span&gt;"/><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ currentSearch }}"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" ctype="x-span" equiv-text="&lt;/span&gt;"/>
221         </target>
222         <context-group name="null">
223           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
224         </context-group>
225       </trans-unit>
226       <trans-unit id="1298c1d2bbbb7415f5494e800f6775fdb70f4df6">
227         <source>Filters</source>
228         <target>Filtros</target>
229         <context-group name="null">
230           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
231         </context-group>
232       </trans-unit>
233       <trans-unit id="e2dbf0426cbb0b573faf49dffeb7d5bdf16eda5d">
234         <source>
235     No results found
236   </source>
237         <target>
238     Non se atoparon resultados
239   </target>
240         <context-group name="null">
241           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
242         </context-group>
243       </trans-unit>
244       <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
245         <source>Change the language</source>
246         <target>Cambiar o idioma</target>
247         <context-group name="null">
248           <context context-type="linenumber">88</context>
249         </context-group>
250       </trans-unit>
251       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
252         <source>Login</source>
253         <target>Conectar</target>
254         <context-group name="null">
255           <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
256         </context-group>
257       </trans-unit>
258       <trans-unit id="d207cc1965ec0c29e594e0e9917f39bfc276ed87">
259         <source>Create an account</source>
260         <target>Crear unha conta</target>
261         <context-group name="null">
262           <context context-type="linenumber">39</context>
263         </context-group>
264       </trans-unit>
265       <trans-unit id="a52dae09be10ca3a65da918533ced3d3f4992238">
266         <source>Videos</source>
267         <target>Vídeos</target>
268         <context-group name="null">
269           <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
270         </context-group>
271       </trans-unit>
272       <trans-unit id="b6b7986bc3721ac483baf20bc9a320529075c807">
273         <source>Trending</source>
274         <target>En voga</target>
275         <context-group name="null">
276           <context context-type="linenumber">57</context>
277         </context-group>
278       </trans-unit>
279       <trans-unit id="8d20c5f5dd30acbe71316544dab774393fd9c3c1">
280         <source>Recently added</source>
281         <target>Últimos engadidos</target>
282         <context-group name="null">
283           <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
284         </context-group>
285       </trans-unit>
286       <trans-unit id="eadc17c3df80143992e2d9028dead3199ae6d79d">
287         <source>Local</source>
288         <target>Local</target>
289         <context-group name="null">
290           <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
291         </context-group>
292       </trans-unit>
293       <trans-unit id="ac0f81713a84217c9bd1d9bb460245d8190b073f">
294         <source>More</source>
295         <target>Máis</target>
296         <context-group name="null">
297           <context context-type="linenumber">72</context>
298         </context-group>
299       </trans-unit>
300       <trans-unit id="b7648e7aced164498aa843b5c4e8f2f1c36a7919">
301         <source>Administration</source>
302         <target>Administración</target>
303         <context-group name="null">
304           <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
305         </context-group>
306       </trans-unit>
307       <trans-unit id="004b222ff9ef9dd4771b777950ca1d0e4cd4348a">
308         <source>About</source>
309         <target>Acerca de</target>
310         <context-group name="null">
311           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
312         </context-group>
313       </trans-unit>
314       <trans-unit id="8aa58cf00d949c509df91c621ab38131df0a7599">
315         <source>Search...</source>
316         <target>Buscar...</target>
317         <context-group name="null">
318           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
319         </context-group>
320       </trans-unit>
321       <trans-unit id="4b3972c3e9485218508a95f7a4ce7758e3f09ced">
322         <source>Upload</source>
323         <target>Subir</target>
324         <context-group name="null">
325           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
326         </context-group>
327       </trans-unit>
328       <trans-unit id="5d43539fc358c3a548b9d487be821db73e2702ff">
329         <source>Sort</source>
330         <target>Ordenar</target>
331         <context-group name="null">
332           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
333         </context-group>
334       </trans-unit>
335       <trans-unit id="98acac685fc4b2d35e5d0cf3cd224d247a756c3e">
336         <source>Published date</source>
337         <target>Data de publicación</target>
338         <context-group name="null">
339           <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
340         </context-group>
341       </trans-unit>
342       <trans-unit id="a02ea1d4e7424ca989929da5e598f379940fdbf2">
343         <source>Duration</source>
344         <target>Duración</target>
345         <context-group name="null">
346           <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
347         </context-group>
348       </trans-unit>
349       <trans-unit id="dc67060f94f0f2b58549f54a5c07925dffd20238">
350         <source>Display sensitive content</source>
351         <target>Mostrar contido sensible</target>
352         <context-group name="null">
353           <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
354         </context-group>
355       </trans-unit>
356       <trans-unit id="4f20f2d5a6882190892e58b85f6ccbedfa737952">
357         <source>Yes</source>
358         <target>Si</target>
359         <context-group name="null">
360           <context context-type="linenumber">37</context>
361         </context-group>
362       </trans-unit>
363       <trans-unit id="3d3ae7deebc5949b0c1c78b9847886a94321d9fd">
364         <source>No</source>
365         <target>Non</target>
366         <context-group name="null">
367           <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
368         </context-group>
369       </trans-unit>
370       <trans-unit id="607de17c2a755f65775881c19e276e7c933bcf94">
371         <source>Category</source>
372         <target>Categoría</target>
373         <context-group name="null">
374           <context context-type="linenumber">166</context>
375         </context-group>
376       </trans-unit>
377       <trans-unit id="78d6d3ea26777cd0dad8ddbf9b314151678da46c">
378         <source>Licence</source>
379         <target>Licenza</target>
380         <context-group name="null">
381           <context context-type="linenumber">175</context>
382         </context-group>
383       </trans-unit>
384       <trans-unit id="fe46ccaae902ce974e2441abe752399288298619">
385         <source>Language</source>
386         <target>Idioma</target>
387         <context-group name="null">
388           <context context-type="linenumber">184</context>
389         </context-group>
390       </trans-unit>
391       <trans-unit id="c8d58c4fbe23e51af3dc8f58cb4a81eac20739e8">
392         <source>All of these tags</source>
393         <target>Todas estas etiquetas</target>
394         <context-group name="null">
395           <context context-type="linenumber">82</context>
396         </context-group>
397       </trans-unit>
398       <trans-unit id="492d2bd18db0cba03f6d9e3b0c42b8639fbe51ab">
399         <source>One of these tags</source>
400         <target>Unha de estas etiquetas</target>
401         <context-group name="null">
402           <context context-type="linenumber">87</context>
403         </context-group>
404       </trans-unit>
405       <trans-unit id="5ca707824ab93066c7d9b44e1b8bf216725c2c22">
406         <source>Filter</source>
407         <target>Filtro</target>
408         <context-group name="null">
409           <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
410         </context-group>
411       </trans-unit>
412       <trans-unit id="c31161d1661884f54fbc5635aad5ce8d4803897e">
413         <source>No results.</source>
414         <target>Sin resultados.</target>
415         <context-group name="null">
416           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
417         </context-group>
418       </trans-unit>
419       <trans-unit id="ff78f059449d44322f627d0f66df07abe476962b">
420         <source>Instance</source>
421         <target>Instancia</target>
422         <context-group name="null">
423           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
424         </context-group>
425       </trans-unit>
426       <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
427         <source>PeerTube</source>
428         <target>PeerTube</target>
429         <context-group name="null">
430           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
431         </context-group>
432       </trans-unit>
433       <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
434         <source>
435   About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
436 </source>
437         <target>
438   Acerca da instancia <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/>
439 </target>
440         <context-group name="null">
441           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
442         </context-group>
443       </trans-unit>
444       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
445         <source>Description</source>
446         <target>Descrición</target>
447         <context-group name="null">
448           <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
449         </context-group>
450       </trans-unit>
451       <trans-unit id="69580f2c2dbf4edf7096820ba8c393367352d774">
452         <source>Terms</source>
453         <target>Termos</target>
454         <context-group name="null">
455           <context context-type="linenumber">44</context>
456         </context-group>
457       </trans-unit>
458       <trans-unit id="9c6e6db693ab265457c6578df179c65694141d27">
459         <source>User registration is allowed and</source>
460         <target>O rexistro está aberto e</target>
461         <context-group name="null">
462           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
463         </context-group>
464       </trans-unit>
465       <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
466         <source>
467       this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
468     </source>
469         <target>
470       esta instancia proporciona unha cota inicial de <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> para os vídeos das súas usuarias.
471     </target>
472         <context-group name="null">
473           <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
474         </context-group>
475       </trans-unit>
476       <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
477         <source>
478       this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
479     </source>
480         <target>
481       esta instancia non limita o espazo para os videos das súas usuarias.
482     </target>
483         <context-group name="null">
484           <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
485         </context-group>
486       </trans-unit>
487       <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
488         <source>
489     User registration is currently not allowed.
490   </source>
491         <target>
492     En este momento non está aberto o rexistro de novas usuarias.
493   </target>
494         <context-group name="null">
495           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
496         </context-group>
497       </trans-unit>
498       <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
499         <source>
500   About PeerTube
501 </source>
502         <target>
503   Acerca de PeerTube
504 </target>
505         <context-group name="null">
506           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
507         </context-group>
508       </trans-unit>
509       <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
510         <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
511         <target>PeerTube é unha plataforma de vídeo federada (ActivityPub) que utiliza P2P (WebTorrent) directamente no navegador web.</target>
512         <context-group name="null">
513           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
514         </context-group>
515       </trans-unit>
516       <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
517         <source>
518     It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
519   </source>
520         <target>
521     É software gratuíto e de código aberto, baixo a <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>licenza AGPLv3<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
522   </target>
523         <context-group name="null">
524           <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
525         </context-group>
526       </trans-unit>
527       <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
528         <source>
529     For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>joinpeertube.org<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
530   </source>
531         <target>
532     Para máis información, pode visitar <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>joinpeertube.org<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
533   </target>
534         <context-group name="null">
535           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
536         </context-group>
537       </trans-unit>
538       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
539         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
540         <target>P2P &amp; Intimidade</target>
541         <context-group name="null">
542           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
543         </context-group>
544       </trans-unit>
545       <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
546         <source>
547     PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
548     This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
549   </source>
550         <target>
551     PeerTube utiliza o protocolo BitTorrent para compartir o ancho de banda entre usuarias.
552     Esto implica que o seu enderezo IP gárdase no rastrexador da instancia BitTorrent mentras descarga ou visualiza o vídeo.
553   </target>
554         <context-group name="null">
555           <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
556         </context-group>
557       </trans-unit>
558       <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
559         <source>What are the consequences?</source>
560         <target>Qué implica isto?</target>
561         <context-group name="null">
562           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
563         </context-group>
564       </trans-unit>
565       <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
566         <source>
567     In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
568     In practice, this is much more difficult because:
569   </source>
570         <target>
571     En teoría, alguén técnicamente cualificado podería crear un script que rastrexase o IP que descarga determinado vídeo.
572     Na práctica, esto é bastante complicado xa que:
573   </target>
574         <context-group name="null">
575           <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
576         </context-group>
577       </trans-unit>
578       <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
579         <source>
580       An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
581       If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
582     </source>
583         <target>
584       Para poder espiar deberíase enviar unha petición HTTP a cada rastrexador para cada vídeo.
585       Si queremos espiar todos os vídeos de PeerTube, temos que enviar tantas peticións como vídeos existan (potencialmente moitos)
586     </target>
587         <context-group name="null">
588           <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
589         </context-group>
590       </trans-unit>
591       <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
592         <source>
593       For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
594       For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
595     </source>
596         <target>
597       Para cada petición enviada, o rastrexador devolve un número limitado de pares aleatorios.
598       Por exemplo, si hai 1000 pares na lista e o rastrexador envía só 20 pares por petición, debería haber polo menos 50 peticións para coñecer todos os pares da lista.
599     </target>
600         <context-group name="null">
601           <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
602         </context-group>
603       </trans-unit>
604       <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
605         <source>
606       Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
607     </source>
608         <target>
609       Esas peticións deberán enviarse de xeito regular para saber que inicia/para un vídeo. É doado detectar ese tipo de comportamento.
610     </target>
611         <context-group name="null">
612           <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
613         </context-group>
614       </trans-unit>
615       <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
616         <source>
617       If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
618     </source>
619         <target>
620       Si un enderezo IP é gardado no rastrexador, non significa que a persoa detrás do IP (si existise tal) tivera visto o vídeo
621     </target>
622         <context-group name="null">
623           <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
624         </context-group>
625       </trans-unit>
626       <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
627         <source>
628       The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
629     </source>
630         <target>
631       O enderezo IP é información feble: normalmente vai cambiando e pode representar a moitas persoas ou entidades
632     </target>
633         <context-group name="null">
634           <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
635         </context-group>
636       </trans-unit>
637       <trans-unit id="4bf47a1ae952bf42a4682a5ecddb0bfb8c9adfaf">
638         <source>How does PeerTube compare with YouTube?</source>
639         <target>Como é PeerTube comparado con YouTube?</target>
640         <context-group name="null">
641           <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
642         </context-group>
643       </trans-unit>
644       <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
645         <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
646         <target>Qué podo facer para limitar a exposición do meu enderezo IP?</target>
647         <context-group name="null">
648           <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
649         </context-group>
650       </trans-unit>
651       <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
652         <source>
653     Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
654     PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
655     Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
656   </source>
657         <target>
658     O seu enderezo IP é público cada vez que consulta unha web, hai un número de actores (aparte do sitio web final) vendo o seu enderezo IP nos rexistros de conexión: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN e máis.
659     PeerTube é transparente ao respecto: avisámola de que se desexa manter a súa IP privada, debe utilizar unha VPN ou Navegador Tor.
660     Crer que eliminar o P2P de PeerTube lle devolverá o anonimato non ten sentido.
661   </target>
662         <context-group name="null">
663           <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
664         </context-group>
665       </trans-unit>
666       <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
667         <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
668         <target>Que se vai facer para minimizar este problema?</target>
669         <context-group name="null">
670           <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
671         </context-group>
672       </trans-unit>
673       <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
674         <source>
675     PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
676     In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
677   </source>
678         <target>
679     PeerTube só está en fase beta, e quere proporcionar as mellores contramedidas posibles para cando a versión estable sexa publicada.
680     Por agora, queremos probar diferentes ideas en relación a este asunto:
681   </target>
682         <context-group name="null">
683           <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
684         </context-group>
685       </trans-unit>
686       <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
687         <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
688         <target>Establecer un límite ao número de pares enviados polo rastrexador</target>
689         <context-group name="null">
690           <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
691         </context-group>
692       </trans-unit>
693       <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
694         <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
695         <target>Establecer un límite na frecuencia das peticións recibidas polo rastrexador (en probas)</target>
696         <context-group name="null">
697           <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
698         </context-group>
699       </trans-unit>
700       <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
701         <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
702         <target>Activar un son se hai peticións estranas (en probas)</target>
703         <context-group name="null">
704           <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
705         </context-group>
706       </trans-unit>
707       <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
708         <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
709         <target>Desactivar P2P desde a interface de administración</target>
710         <context-group name="null">
711           <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
712         </context-group>
713       </trans-unit>
714       <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
715         <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
716         <target>Un programa de redundancia automática de vídeos: non saberiamos si a IP descargou o vídeo de forma consciente ou se foi un programa automatizado</target>
717         <context-group name="null">
718           <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
719         </context-group>
720       </trans-unit>
721       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
722         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
723         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> suscritoras</target>
724         <context-group name="null">
725           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
726         </context-group>
727       </trans-unit>
728       <trans-unit id="6f5a458f827503ac7b8697688ecf3e0490818ee8">
729         <source>Video channels</source>
730         <target>Canles de vídeo</target>
731         <context-group name="null">
732           <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
733         </context-group>
734       </trans-unit>
735       <trans-unit id="299f97b8ee9c62d45f2cc01961aa1e5101d6d05a">
736         <source>Stats</source>
737         <target>Estatísticas</target>
738         <context-group name="null">
739           <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
740         </context-group>
741       </trans-unit>
742       <trans-unit id="8bc634cd9d8c9b684dbfaaf17a522f894bedbffc">
743         <source>Joined <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></source>
744         <target>Uneuse <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></target>
745         <context-group name="null">
746           <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
747         </context-group>
748       </trans-unit>
749       <trans-unit id="8fef247fd0c5bf790151f7661cafc4b7fd0397f3">
750         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
751         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> suscritoras</target>
752         <context-group name="null">
753           <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
754         </context-group>
755       </trans-unit>
756       <trans-unit id="f36bd6a1570cb9b0a5023870f35160957cad2a8f">
757         <source>See this video channel</source>
758         <target>Ver esta canle de vídeo</target>
759         <context-group name="null">
760           <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
761         </context-group>
762       </trans-unit>
763       <trans-unit id="cff1428d10d59d14e45edec3c735a27b5482db59">
764         <source>Name</source>
765         <target>Nome</target>
766         <context-group name="null">
767           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
768         </context-group>
769       </trans-unit>
770       <trans-unit id="512b045163a7187b2fc5d554e5f59fb3e49e174b">
771         <source>Short description</source>
772         <target>Descrición curta</target>
773         <context-group name="null">
774           <context context-type="linenumber">22</context>
775         </context-group>
776       </trans-unit>
777       <trans-unit id="554488d11165f38b27b8fe230aba8a2e30d57003">
778         <source>Default client route</source>
779         <target>Ruta ao cliente por omisión</target>
780         <context-group name="null">
781           <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
782         </context-group>
783       </trans-unit>
784       <trans-unit id="1cbeb1eb589bfbe5efce94184cacd3095ca26948">
785         <source>Videos Trending</source>
786         <target>Vídeos de moda</target>
787         <context-group name="null">
788           <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
789         </context-group>
790       </trans-unit>
791       <trans-unit id="1861c96217213992e02dcb77e15ea69e718c9883">
792         <source>Videos Recently Added</source>
793         <target>Vídeos engadidos recentemente</target>
794         <context-group name="null">
795           <context context-type="linenumber">60</context>
796         </context-group>
797       </trans-unit>
798       <trans-unit id="b6307f83d9f43bff8d5129a7888e89964ddc3f7f">
799         <source>Local videos</source>
800         <target>Vídeos en local</target>
801         <context-group name="null">
802           <context context-type="linenumber">61</context>
803         </context-group>
804       </trans-unit>
805       <trans-unit id="8551afadb69b3fef89e191f507e8ac84e624e8b9">
806         <source>Policy on videos containing sensitive content</source>
807         <target>Política para os vídeos con contido sensible</target>
808         <context-group name="null">
809           <context context-type="linenumber">70</context>
810         </context-group>
811       </trans-unit>
812       <trans-unit id="aa3ef567a1ea22c1e4d0acfdc8f80bc636bf12df">
813         <source>With &lt;strong&gt;Do not list&lt;/strong&gt; or &lt;strong&gt;Blur thumbnails&lt;/strong&gt;, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.</source>
814         <target>Con &lt;strong&gt;Non listar&lt;/strong&gt; ou &lt;strong&gt;Emborrar icona&lt;/strong&gt;, pedirase autorización para ver o vídeo.</target>
815         <context-group name="null">
816           <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
817         </context-group>
818       </trans-unit>
819       <trans-unit id="5e155c34fb3ed8159bf0a486a366cfbc6874f9fe">
820         <source>Do not list</source>
821         <target>Non listar</target>
822         <context-group name="null">
823           <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
824         </context-group>
825       </trans-unit>
826       <trans-unit id="aaa900149c2ca1575ac1918d1ded33fb69830ab2">
827         <source>Blur thumbnails</source>
828         <target>Emborrar icona</target>
829         <context-group name="null">
830           <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
831         </context-group>
832       </trans-unit>
833       <trans-unit id="010d24ef3c43b2d8f45a4d6cba7d73e12ee1557e">
834         <source>Display</source>
835         <target>Mostrar</target>
836         <context-group name="null">
837           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
838         </context-group>
839       </trans-unit>
840       <trans-unit id="ca53e66e68986546b7ef820c934145fd7c9c4247">
841         <source>Signup enabled</source>
842         <target>Rexistro activado</target>
843         <context-group name="null">
844           <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
845         </context-group>
846       </trans-unit>
847       <trans-unit id="68bda70e0dd4f7f91549462e55f1b2a1602d8402">
848         <source>Signup limit</source>
849         <target>Rexistro limitado</target>
850         <context-group name="null">
851           <context context-type="linenumber">101</context>
852         </context-group>
853       </trans-unit>
854       <trans-unit id="a059709f71aa4c0ac219e160e78a738682ca6a36">
855         <source>Import</source>
856         <target>Importar</target>
857         <context-group name="null">
858           <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
859         </context-group>
860       </trans-unit>
861       <trans-unit id="e9964673c94eb0b4ff8088c84018217c031f31ce">
862         <source>Video import with HTTP enabled</source>
863         <target>Importación de vídeos por HTTP activada</target>
864         <context-group name="null">
865           <context context-type="linenumber">115</context>
866         </context-group>
867       </trans-unit>
868       <trans-unit id="05fdf7b5be1c3a7126e3c06d81da3134981b0a9e">
869         <source>Video import with a torrent file or a magnet URI enabled</source>
870         <target>Importación de vídeo con un ficheiro torrent ou URI magnet activada</target>
871         <context-group name="null">
872           <context context-type="linenumber">120</context>
873         </context-group>
874       </trans-unit>
875       <trans-unit id="ca2283fc765b9f44b69f0175d685dc2443da6011">
876         <source>Administrator</source>
877         <target>Administración</target>
878         <context-group name="null">
879           <context context-type="linenumber">123</context>
880         </context-group>
881       </trans-unit>
882       <trans-unit id="55a0f51e38679d3141841e8333da5779d349c587">
883         <source>Admin email</source>
884         <target>Correo-e da Admin</target>
885         <context-group name="null">
886           <context context-type="linenumber">126</context>
887         </context-group>
888       </trans-unit>
889       <trans-unit id="4d13a9cd5ed3dcee0eab22cb25198d43886942be">
890         <source>Users</source>
891         <target>Usuarias</target>
892         <context-group name="null">
893           <context context-type="linenumber">136</context>
894         </context-group>
895       </trans-unit>
896       <trans-unit id="31b3275d999af45fe64c6824e6e017d2e2704f09">
897         <source>User default video quota</source>
898         <target>Cota de vídeo por omisión para a usuaria</target>
899         <context-group name="null">
900           <context context-type="linenumber">139</context>
901         </context-group>
902       </trans-unit>
903       <trans-unit id="50247a2f9711ea9e9a85aacc46668131e9b424a5">
904         <source>Basic configuration</source>
905         <target>Configuración básica</target>
906         <context-group name="null">
907           <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
908         </context-group>
909       </trans-unit>
910       <trans-unit id="99cb827741e93125476a0f5b676372d85d15b5fc">
911         <source>Twitter</source>
912         <target>Twitter</target>
913         <context-group name="null">
914           <context context-type="linenumber">170</context>
915         </context-group>
916       </trans-unit>
917       <trans-unit id="7fdb41bbf2ee042ec5f68725a1c16a1c97f3e524">
918         <source>Your Twitter username</source>
919         <target>O seu alcume na Twitter</target>
920         <context-group name="null">
921           <context context-type="linenumber">173</context>
922         </context-group>
923       </trans-unit>
924       <trans-unit id="6e671e839ca889feef0d8ed525d1a44b4b10870c">
925         <source>Indicates the Twitter account for the website or platform on which the content was published.</source>
926         <target>Indica a conta na Twitter para o sitio web ou plataforma para a cal o contido foi publicado.</target>
927         <context-group name="null">
928           <context context-type="linenumber">176</context>
929         </context-group>
930       </trans-unit>
931       <trans-unit id="c0716c28b9d4c9e0b2fd6031334394214e5f9605">
932         <source>Instance whitelisted by Twitter</source>
933         <target>Instancia na lista blanca por Twitter</target>
934         <context-group name="null">
935           <context context-type="linenumber">189</context>
936         </context-group>
937       </trans-unit>
938       <trans-unit id="419d940613972cc3fae9c8ea0a4306dbf80616e5">
939         <source>Services</source>
940         <target>Servizos</target>
941         <context-group name="null">
942           <context context-type="linenumber">168</context>
943         </context-group>
944       </trans-unit>
945       <trans-unit id="fe22d2c0020e913ee4b75ec22a3abc8814810490">
946         <source>Transcoding</source>
947         <target>Recodificando</target>
948         <context-group name="null">
949           <context context-type="linenumber">200</context>
950         </context-group>
951       </trans-unit>
952       <trans-unit id="fca29003c4ea1226ff8cbee89481758aab0e2be9">
953         <source>Transcoding enabled</source>
954         <target>Recodificación activada</target>
955         <context-group name="null">
956           <context context-type="linenumber">204</context>
957         </context-group>
958       </trans-unit>
959       <trans-unit id="6ef2ab819d4441fa8bddf6759b6936783d06616f">
960         <source>If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!</source>
961         <target>Si desactiva a recodificación moitos vídeos das súas usuarias non funcionarán!</target>
962         <context-group name="null">
963           <context context-type="linenumber">205</context>
964         </context-group>
965       </trans-unit>
966       <trans-unit id="a33feadefbb776217c2db96100736314f8b765c2">
967         <source>Transcoding threads</source>
968         <target>Fíos de recodificación</target>
969         <context-group name="null">
970           <context context-type="linenumber">211</context>
971         </context-group>
972       </trans-unit>
973       <trans-unit id="5afc7e831e59c325e8fb3e208ec108ff53fb3500">
974         <source>Resolution <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{resolution}}"/> enabled</source>
975         <target>Resolución <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{resolution}}"/> activada</target>
976         <context-group name="null">
977           <context context-type="linenumber">227</context>
978         </context-group>
979       </trans-unit>
980       <trans-unit id="d5bf7bea37daff4e018fd11a1b552512e5cb54c0">
981         <source>Some files are not federated (previews, captions). We fetch them directly from the origin instance and cache them.</source>
982         <target>Algúns ficheiros non se federan (vista previa, comentarios). Recollémolos directamente desde a instancia de orixe e almacenámolos.</target>
983         <context-group name="null">
984           <context context-type="linenumber">238</context>
985         </context-group>
986       </trans-unit>
987       <trans-unit id="d00f6c2dcb426440a0a8cd8eec12d094fbfaf6f7">
988         <source>Previews cache size</source>
989         <target>Tamaño da caché de vista previa</target>
990         <context-group name="null">
991           <context context-type="linenumber">243</context>
992         </context-group>
993       </trans-unit>
994       <trans-unit id="98970cd72e776308a37dc4e84bebbedffc787607">
995         <source>Video captions cache size</source>
996         <target>Tamaño da caché de comentarios no vídeo</target>
997         <context-group name="null">
998           <context context-type="linenumber">254</context>
999         </context-group>
1000       </trans-unit>
1001       <trans-unit id="e3a65df2560e99864bbde695da3a7bdf743a184c">
1002         <source>Customizations</source>
1003         <target>Personalizacións</target>
1004         <context-group name="null">
1005           <context context-type="linenumber">264</context>
1006         </context-group>
1007       </trans-unit>
1008       <trans-unit id="0da9752916950ce6890d897b835c923a71ad9c5c">
1009         <source>JavaScript</source>
1010         <target>JavaScript</target>
1011         <context-group name="null">
1012           <context context-type="linenumber">267</context>
1013         </context-group>
1014       </trans-unit>
1015       <trans-unit id="fda2339a6e6ba017ee43b560caf660ed4022333c">
1016         <source>Write directly JavaScript code.&lt;br /&gt;Example: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('my instance is amazing');&lt;/pre&gt;</source>
1017         <target>Escribir código JavaScript directamente.&lt;br /&gt;Exemplo: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('a miña instancia é tremenda');&lt;/pre&gt;</target>
1018         <context-group name="null">
1019           <context context-type="linenumber">270</context>
1020         </context-group>
1021       </trans-unit>
1022       <trans-unit id="6c44844ebdb7352c433b7734feaa65f01bb594ab">
1023         <source>Advanced configuration</source>
1024         <target>Configuración avanzada</target>
1025         <context-group name="null">
1026           <context context-type="linenumber">197</context>
1027         </context-group>
1028       </trans-unit>
1029       <trans-unit id="dad5a5283e4c853c011a0f03d5a52310338bbff8">
1030         <source>Update configuration</source>
1031         <target>Actualizar configuración</target>
1032         <context-group name="null">
1033           <context context-type="linenumber">314</context>
1034         </context-group>
1035       </trans-unit>
1036       <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
1037         <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
1038         <target>Semella que a configuración non é válida. Por favor busque os erros potenciais nas diferentes pestanas.</target>
1039         <context-group name="null">
1040           <context context-type="linenumber">315</context>
1041         </context-group>
1042       </trans-unit>
1043       <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
1044         <source>
1045       Users
1046     </source>
1047         <target>
1048       Usuarias
1049     </target>
1050         <context-group name="null">
1051           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
1052         </context-group>
1053       </trans-unit>
1054       <trans-unit id="0315abd64e35510ed0534f597130ef781aca175a">
1055         <source>
1056       Manage follows
1057     </source>
1058         <target>
1059       Xestionar seguimento
1060     </target>
1061         <context-group name="null">
1062           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
1063         </context-group>
1064       </trans-unit>
1065       <trans-unit id="17a9d3860d9ad593dd09a9f934e03999d9e76a7a">
1066         <source>
1067             Cancel
1068           </source>
1069         <target>
1070             Cancelar
1071           </target>
1072         <context-group name="null">
1073           <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
1074         </context-group>
1075       </trans-unit>
1076     </body>
1077   </file></xliff>