3 rem ========================================================================
4 rem Batch file to automate building OpenSSL for NetWare.
7 rem build [target] [debug opts] [assembly opts] [configure opts]
9 rem target - "netware-clib" - CLib NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
10 rem - "netware-clib-bsdsock" - CLib NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
11 rem - "netware-libc" - LibC NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
12 rem - "netware-libc-bsdsock" - LibC NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
14 rem debug opts - "debug" - build debug
16 rem assembly opts - "nw-mwasm" - use Metrowerks assembler
17 rem - "nw-nasm" - use NASM assembler
18 rem - "no-asm" - don't use assembly
20 rem configure opts- all unrecognized arguments are passed to the
21 rem perl configure script
23 rem If no arguments are specified the default is to build non-debug with
24 rem no assembly. NOTE: there is no default BLD_TARGET.
29 rem No assembly is the default - Uncomment section below to change
30 rem the assembler default
35 rem Uncomment to default to the Metrowerks assembler
36 rem set ASM_MODE=nw-mwasm
37 rem set ASSEMBLER=Metrowerks
40 rem Uncomment to default to the NASM assembler
41 rem set ASM_MODE=nw-nasm
45 rem No default Bld target
46 set BLD_TARGET=no_target
47 rem set BLD_TARGET=netware-clib
48 rem set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc
51 rem Default to build non-debug
54 rem Uncomment to default to debug build
62 rem Process command line args
64 if "a%1" == "a" goto endopt
65 if "%1" == "no-asm" set NO_ASM=no-asm
66 if "%1" == "no-asm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
67 if "%1" == "debug" set DEBUG=debug
68 if "%1" == "debug" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
69 if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ASM_MODE=nw-nasm
70 if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ASSEMBLER=NASM
71 if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set NO_ASM=
72 if "%1" == "nw-nasm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
73 if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ASM_MODE=nw-mwasm
74 if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ASSEMBLER=Metrowerks
75 if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set NO_ASM=
76 if "%1" == "nw-mwasm" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
77 if "%1" == "netware-clib" set BLD_TARGET=netware-clib
78 if "%1" == "netware-clib" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
79 if "%1" == "netware-clib-bsdsock" set BLD_TARGET=netware-clib-bsdsock
80 if "%1" == "netware-clib-bsdsock" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
81 if "%1" == "netware-libc" set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc
82 if "%1" == "netware-libc" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
83 if "%1" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set BLD_TARGET=netware-libc-bsdsock
84 if "%1" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set ARG_PROCESSED=YES
86 rem If we didn't recognize the argument, consider it an option for config
94 rem make sure a valid BLD_TARGET was specified
95 if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "no_target" goto no_target
97 rem build the nlm make file name which includes target and debug info
99 if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-clib" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_clib
100 if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-clib-bsdsock" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_clib_bsdsock
101 if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-libc" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_libc
102 if "%BLD_TARGET%" == "netware-libc-bsdsock" set NLM_MAKE=netware\nlm_libc_bsdsock
103 if "%DEBUG%" == "" set NLM_MAKE=%NLM_MAKE%.mak
104 if "%DEBUG%" == "debug" set NLM_MAKE=%NLM_MAKE%_dbg.mak
106 if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set ASM_MODE=
107 if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set ASSEMBLER=
108 if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" set CONFIG_OPTS=%CONFIG_OPTS% no-asm
109 if "%NO_ASM%" == "no-asm" goto do_config
112 rem ==================================================
113 echo Generating x86 for %ASSEMBLER% assembler
117 rem perl x86.pl %ASM_MODE% > bn-nw.asm
118 perl bn-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > bn-nw.asm
119 perl co-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > co-nw.asm
124 perl aes-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > a-nw.asm
129 perl des-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > d-nw.asm
135 perl crypt586.pl %ASM_MODE% > y-nw.asm
141 perl bf-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > b-nw.asm
146 perl cast-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > c-nw.asm
151 perl rc4-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > r4-nw.asm
156 perl md5-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > m5-nw.asm
161 perl sha1-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > s1-nw.asm
162 perl sha256-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > sha256-nw.asm
163 perl sha512-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > sha512-nw.asm
168 perl rmd-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > rm-nw.asm
173 perl rc5-586.pl %ASM_MODE% > r5-nw.asm
177 cd crypto\whrlpool\asm
178 perl wp-mmx.pl %ASM_MODE% > wp-nw.asm
183 perl x86cpuid.pl %ASM_MODE% > x86cpuid-nw.asm
186 rem ===============================================================
191 echo configure options: %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
193 perl configure %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
195 perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
198 echo mk1mf.pl options: %DEBUG% %ASM_MODE% %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET%
200 perl util\mk1mf.pl %DEBUG% %ASM_MODE% %CONFIG_OPTS% %BLD_TARGET% >%NLM_MAKE%
202 make -f %NLM_MAKE% vclean
204 echo The makefile "%NLM_MAKE%" has been created use your maketool to
205 echo build (ex: make -f %NLM_MAKE%)
208 rem ===============================================================
212 echo . No build target specified!!!
214 echo . usage: build [target] [debug opts] [assembly opts] [configure opts]
216 echo . target - "netware-clib" - CLib NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
217 echo . - "netware-clib-bsdsock" - CLib NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
218 echo . - "netware-libc" - LibC NetWare build (WinSock Sockets)
219 echo . - "netware-libc-bsdsock" - LibC NetWare build (BSD Sockets)
221 echo . debug opts - "debug" - build debug
223 echo . assembly opts - "nw-mwasm" - use Metrowerks assembler
224 echo . "nw-nasm" - use NASM assembler
225 echo . "no-asm" - don't use assembly
227 echo . configure opts- all unrecognized arguments are passed to the
228 echo . perl configure script
230 echo . If no debug or assembly opts are specified the default is to build
231 echo . non-debug without assembly