Don't send a status_request extension in a CertificateRequest message
[oweals/openssl.git] / Configurations / 15-ios.conf
1 #### iPhoneOS/iOS
2 #
3 # It takes recent enough Xcode to use following two targets. It shouldn't
4 # be a problem by now, but if they don't work, original targets below
5 # that depend on manual definition of environment variables should still
6 # work...
7 #
8 my %targets = (
9     "ios-common" => {
10         template         => 1,
11         inherit_from     => [ "darwin-common" ],
12         sys_id           => "iOS",
13         disable          => [ "engine", "async" ],
14     },
15     "ios-xcrun" => {
16         inherit_from     => [ "ios-common", asm("armv4_asm") ],
17         # It should be possible to go below iOS 6 and even add -arch armv6,
18         # thus targeting iPhone pre-3GS, but it's assumed to be irrelevant
19         # at this point.
20         CC               => "xcrun -sdk iphoneos cc",
21         cflags           => add("-arch armv7 -mios-version-min=6.0.0 -fno-common"),
22         perlasm_scheme   => "ios32",
23     },
24     "ios64-xcrun" => {
25         inherit_from     => [ "ios-common", asm("aarch64_asm") ],
26         CC               => "xcrun -sdk iphoneos cc",
27         cflags           => add("-arch arm64 -mios-version-min=7.0.0 -fno-common"),
28         bn_ops           => "SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG RC4_CHAR",
29         perlasm_scheme   => "ios64",
30     },
31     "iossimulator-xcrun" => {
32         inherit_from     => [ "ios-common" ],
33         CC               => "xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator cc",
34     },
35 # It takes three prior-set environment variables to make it work:
36 #
37 # CROSS_COMPILE=/where/toolchain/is/usr/bin/ [note ending slash]
38 # CROSS_TOP=/where/SDKs/are
39 # CROSS_SDK=iPhoneOSx.y.sdk
40 #
41 # Exact paths vary with Xcode releases, but for couple of last ones
42 # they would look like this:
43 #
44 # CROSS_COMPILE=`xcode-select --print-path`/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/
45 # CROSS_TOP=`xcode-select --print-path`/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer
46 # CROSS_SDK=iPhoneOS.sdk
47 #
48     "iphoneos-cross" => {
49         inherit_from     => [ "ios-common" ],
50         cflags           => add("-isysroot \$(CROSS_TOP)/SDKs/\$(CROSS_SDK) -fno-common"),
51     },
52     "ios-cross" => {
53         inherit_from     => [ "ios-xcrun" ],
54         CC               => "cc",
55         cflags           => add("-isysroot \$(CROSS_TOP)/SDKs/\$(CROSS_SDK)"),
56     },
57     "ios64-cross" => {
58         inherit_from     => [ "ios64-xcrun" ],
59         CC               => "cc",
60         cflags           => add("-isysroot \$(CROSS_TOP)/SDKs/\$(CROSS_SDK)"),
61     },
62 );