Fix a read off the end of the input buffer
[oweals/openssl.git] / .travis.yml
1 dist: trusty
2 sudo: required
4 language: c
5 cache: ccache
7 before_install:
8     - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then
9           pip install --user cpp-coveralls;
10       fi;
12 addons:
13     apt:
14         packages:
15             - ccache
17 os:
18     - linux
20 compiler:
21     - clang
22     - gcc
24 env:
25     - CONFIG_OPTS="" DESTDIR="_install"
26     - CONFIG_OPTS="--debug no-shared enable-crypto-mdebug enable-rc5 enable-md2"
27     - CONFIG_OPTS="no-pic --strict-warnings" BUILDONLY="yes"
28     - CONFIG_OPTS="no-engine no-shared --strict-warnings" BUILDONLY="yes"
29     - CONFIG_OPTS="no-stdio --strict-warnings" BUILDONLY="yes"
30     - CONFIG_OPTS="no-ec" BUILDONLY="yes"
32 matrix:
33     include:
34         - os: linux
35           addons:
36               apt:
37                   packages:
38                       - clang-3.9
39                   sources:
40                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
41                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
42           compiler: clang-3.9
43           env: CONFIG_OPTS="--strict-warnings no-deprecated" BUILDONLY="yes"
44         - os: linux
45           compiler: gcc
46           env: CONFIG_OPTS="--debug --coverage no-asm enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method enable-weak-ssl-ciphers" COVERALLS="yes"
47         - os: linux
48           addons:
49               apt:
50                   packages:
51                       - clang-3.9
52                   sources:
53                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
54                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
55           compiler: clang-3.9
56           env: CONFIG_OPTS="enable-asan"
57         - os: linux
58           addons:
59               apt:
60                   packages:
61                       - clang-3.9
62                   sources:
63                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
64                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
65           compiler: clang-3.9
66           env: CONFIG_OPTS="enable-msan"
67         - os: linux
68           addons:
69               apt:
70                   packages:
71                       - clang-3.9
72                   sources:
73                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
74                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
75           compiler: clang-3.9
76           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm enable-ubsan enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ssl3 enable-ssl3-method -fno-sanitize=alignment"
77         - os: linux
78           addons:
79               apt:
80                   packages:
81                       - clang-3.9
82                   sources:
83                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
84                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
85           compiler: clang-3.9
86           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm enable-asan enable-rc5 enable-md2"
87         - os: linux
88           addons:
89               apt:
90                   packages:
91                       - clang-3.9
92                   sources:
93                       - llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
94                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
95           compiler: clang-3.9
96           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-stdio"
97         - os: linux
98           addons:
99               apt:
100                   packages:
101                       - gcc-5
102                   sources:
103                       - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
104           compiler: gcc-5
105           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-asm enable-ubsan enable-rc5 enable-md2 -DPEDANTIC"
106         - os: linux
107           addons:
108               apt:
109                   packages:
110                       - binutils-mingw-w64
111                       - gcc-mingw-w64
112           compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
113           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-pic" TESTS="-test_fuzz"
114         - os: linux
115           addons:
116               apt:
117                   packages:
118                       - binutils-mingw-w64
119                       - gcc-mingw-w64
120           compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
121           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-stdio" BUILDONLY="yes"
122         - os: linux
123           addons:
124               apt:
125                   packages:
126                       - binutils-mingw-w64
127                       - gcc-mingw-w64
128           compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
129           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-pic" TESTS="-test_fuzz"
130         - os: linux
131           addons:
132               apt:
133                   packages:
134                       - binutils-mingw-w64
135                       - gcc-mingw-w64
136           compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
137           env: CONFIG_OPTS="no-stdio" BUILDONLY="yes"
138     exclude:
139         - os: linux
140           compiler: clang
141         - os: osx
142           compiler: gcc
144 before_script:
145     - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
146           sh $TRAVIS_OS_NAME;
147           tar -xvzf _srcdist.tar.gz;
148           mkdir _build;
149           cd _build;
150           srcdir=../_srcdist;
151           top=..;
152       else
153           srcdir=.;
154           top=.;
155       fi
156     - if [ "$CC" == i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ]; then
157           export CROSS_COMPILE=${CC%%gcc}; unset CC;
158           $srcdir/Configure mingw $CONFIG_OPTS -Wno-pedantic-ms-format;
159       elif [ "$CC" == x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ]; then
160           export CROSS_COMPILE=${CC%%gcc}; unset CC;
161           $srcdir/Configure mingw64 $CONFIG_OPTS -Wno-pedantic-ms-format;
162       else
163           if which ccache >/dev/null && [ "$CC" != clang-3.9 ]; then
164               CC="ccache $CC";
165           fi;
166           $srcdir/config -v $CONFIG_OPTS;
167       fi
168     - if [ -z "$BUILDONLY" ]; then
169           if [ -n "$CROSS_COMPILE" ]; then
170               if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]; then
171                   sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386;
172                   sudo apt-get update;
173               fi;
174           fi;
175       fi
176     - cd $top
178 script:
179     - if [ -z "$BUILDONLY" ]; then
180           make="make -s";
181       else
182           make="make";
183       fi
184     - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
185           cd _build;
186           top=..;
187       else
188           top=.;
189       fi
190     - $make update
191     - $make
192     - if [ -z "$BUILDONLY" ]; then
193           if [ -n "$CROSS_COMPILE" ]; then
194               sudo apt-get -yq install wine;
195               export EXE_SHELL="wine" WINEPREFIX=`pwd`;
196           fi;
197           HARNESS_VERBOSE=yes make test;
198       else
199           $make build_tests;
200       fi
201     - if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ]; then
202           mkdir "../$DESTDIR";
203           $make install install_docs DESTDIR="../$DESTDIR";
204       fi
205     - cd $top
207 after_success:
208     - if [ -n "$COVERALLS" ]; then
209           coveralls -b . --gcov-options '\-lp';
210       fi;
212 notifications:
213     email:
214         secure: "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"